This game is more mixed for me. I've 100% the game and built all the creature to satisfaction however bugs and lack of quality of life makes this game hard to recommend with certainty.
I love the art style and unique game play of summoning creature. Its more of a top down dungeon crawler but the gimmick is your creature is stand in for you ability.
Creature have their own health and you need to manager theirs and yours. Later you can customize creature ability with synergy and these can be quite game changing. Synergy can add new effect or enhance existing abilities. But it requires a creature of the synergy type to be in your party. However synergy cost essence and it can not be refunded. Resetting the synergy destroy the applies essence. This makes the game very unfriendly to experimentation as essence is quite time consuming to farm.
The game is consist of procedural generated map layout with hand made area. Each map will contain various resources and consumable. Later you gain access to expedition that is up to 3 maps of different type of biome that only count for one day. Expedition are preferable for its vast amount of resources, upgrades and bless.
The capture mechanic can be quite fiddly, you need to stand within a cone that swivel and rotate. Thankfully there are trinket and creature ability that makes it easier and manageable. Tougher and late game creature needs their health managed and carefully timed ability for successful capture.
Mid to late game you have access to hunts that let you pick specific bless and super blessed. Super bless creature are important as they always give max out traits. However expect to reroll several super bless as traits given are randomised, you get to pick between two trait for each of the 4 trait slots for some control, however there more than 8 traits and you may not see the trait slot you want in the trait selection pool for that creature.
Creature capture are limited by 3 Gatedrik particle. By mid to late game you will hate this limit. Early game it made sense as you had to make some sensible decision. But by mid to late game when bless and super bless consume 2-3 Gatedrik particle it will feel very limiting. The maximum amount of Gatedrik particle can not be upgraded. Often you will end up having to kill super bless you wanted to keep because of this as multiple can show up in expedition.
Hunts consume resource intensive essence, product of capturing creature. Failing hunt hard earned essence. Despite it showing 3 skull symbol for tries, it is only for death which is incredibly rare for you to die during hunts. Killing your target or letting the map that the target is on expires ends the hunt and you must start again. Because of the time and resource investment of hunts I recommend just save scumming and saving time especially since may want to reroll the creature and especially for super bless legendary that are quite expensive to hunt.
Your Main character have equip-able trinket that majority of effect is kind of underwhelming even when upgraded. Unfortunately the game felt you need limit the full amount of upgrades you can have despite being quite. This can be very disheartening if you farmed quite a bit for those trinket upgrade. Especially when the upgrades are miniscule, pushing only a few percent.
All consumable item are on a timer that tick down for each run, this is fine for health consumable. You can further extend consumable by cooking for them.
Unfortunately the time limit includes insects which is vital for cooking +6 traits. Insects is a nice way to compensate bad trait rolls, unfortunately its all up to luck. If you want certain skill you have to hope that 3 of the insect you want are available within 3 day, as all 3 must be cooked at once. This can be quite tedious. If the game had a fridge you could use to extend timer on a few consumable this would mitigate some frustration with luck base gathering.
Now for the biggest reason I wouldn't recommend the game. Its still buggy and its been almost about 10 month since last patch as of time of writing.
One of the most frequent bug is mounting one of your creature and ending up in inescapable area which can kill your run unless you have another mount charged, trinket that can regenerate creature ability or manage to kill every creature in the area.
Late game there are temple you can raid for gem for bonuses effect on trinket, limited by upgrade amount. About 1 in 15 runs the exit will not be interact-able and the run is killed. Especially frustrating if it happens at the end of expedition or ascension.
On rare occasion you can't back out of the menu and you have to force close, killing the run.
If you have to force close because of a bug, most of the time it will count it as death. This skips a day and forces you to spend another to retrieve your stuff.
One of the creature by name of Zoras is still bugged with circle of fire synergy. Does nothing, unless you fight an enemy Zhoras and it uses the circle of fire attack. Then your Zhoras fire of circle works.
Overall if you're looking to get invested in this game, expect some kinks and element of frustration.