The AI is incredibly slow. You have 2 min turn timer for each turn, and after that there is a pool of 7.5 mins extra time you can spend during the whole game. AI goes over the 2 min turn time so frequently that it has spent up the full extra 7.5 min pool several times. As the AI uses the max time allowed, you objectively *can't* spend more time on your turns than you do on waiting the AI, so you *will* spend most of your single player time just waiting for the AI to make a move.
Does that at least mean the AI is great? No. On a very basic level, it is unfinished. Some parts of the game don't seem to have been implemented. If the kick-off roll gives AI the chance to quick snap or blitz, it never uses it. It will sometimes win the coin toss and then give you the option to go first, in situations where it really shouldn't. It doesn't take into account the half-time turn limits, so if it's losing on a last turn it won't go for an "improbable but possible" way to score points but rather builds a cage around its ball carrier to defend it against your non-existent next turn. And every once in a while the AI ball carrier randomly leaves the safety of its team and runs alone somewhere to be easily blitzed.
Well, if the single player isn't great, maybe the multiplayer is? Hard to say. There's a million different options for it. There is an official season ladder, but I gave up after it didn't find me a match. Seeing that there are 25 teams on the list, it might be dead? Might be enough players to find matches at the right time of the day. (EDIT: It's not just 25 teams, turns out their "top 100" list just isn't top 100, it's "top 100 that have reached elo 2000" so it currently show 29 players. It is playbable, even if the long matchmaking times and issue about not being able to find players at certain times of day are real)
The main multiplayer game mode seems to be "Norsca Arena" which is "Try to win 7 matches, run ends on 2nd defeat". To enroll to it, you build a custom team that follows a set of rules (non-standard starting value + you can buy extra skills, some star players are banned, etc.). All of this seems fun! The thing is, there is no UI support for this.
You first need to Norsca Arena description, screenshot the rules (which are different for each tier of teams), then go to another place in the menus to build a custom team, build one that follows all the rules (with no indication of whether you're doing it right nor not), and then enroll it. If you enroll a team that didn't use all of its allowed extras, you don't get any warnings, you just will get slaughtered in the run. Another feature that is clearly just unfinished.
I really want to like this because I want a good Blood Bowl implementation with modern rules. And if you want to play against your friends online, this is probably a perfectly good tool for that. But for everything else, I'm seriously considering to check if FUMBBL is still alive.