Game has been completely ruined and it has nothing to do with the bugs etc, tbh it looks and plays great it is a decent successor to cs-go once you iron out the kinks.. However, the cheaters... premier matchmaking... faceit...
You decided to break all of it, the entire game. Vac live is non existent people can kill you from spawn, through walls, whilst bhopping... cheaters can do things they couldn't do in CSGO..... Fine at least we could play faceit on the 128 tick servers you once assured us we would get. Oh look nope, you hardcode subtick.. even though 128 was proven to be working better. Oh well lets go play csgo oh no we cant do that either...
Then there is the false bans (I was one of them, the one you caused with your own update. It was promptly removed and i am grateful but no compensation, not a word to the community just silence...
Ok well lets set that all aside and move on... oh we can't because then there is the exploits, I have never in my life wondered if was safe to play a game...
You are forcing your player base to play an unpolished game against cheaters, without any active client sided anticheat, serverside plugins, fog of war. You don't punish people for boosting with cheaters or even cheating them selves, you allow them to flex and brag publicly on your leader boards. There are more cheaters than pros now...
and this was supposed to be game that levels the playing field, we would all get a fair chance to compete. Counter Strike is for everyone... Counter Strike is dying and you guys shot it.
I love counter strike, it was the first game I played at my uncles internet cafe as a little kid, I lost entire summers to this. You guys as a Dev team and company have lost respect for your player base and your own game. You throw us in the bin and at the same time you flex an incoming ''major''.
You might need to climb off your high horses, play your own game with us, talk to the community a little. Actually respond to feedback. Counter Strike has one of the most dedicated communities and I am sure if you paid even a fraction of it back to us that investment would pay off ten fold for you guys.