Eternights - 2023 Review - Hidden Gem that everyone loves hating on!
I get it, we don't all have the same opinions, and that's ok! I do think this game gets some hate that it doesn't deserve. I hear a lot that its pervy with lots of fan service. Yet then I see the same people rave about later persona games or trails games with the same pervy factors and fan service (Don't get me wrong, I love the Trails Series). I can only come to the conclusion that since this developer loved Persona, and made a game that was similar but obviously not the same budget as a AAA Persona 5, it felt more like a hollow copy....and boy did that anger a lot of Persona fans clearly. Now while I get where some of the disappointments can come from, I don't think this game was just a hollow copy. In fact I think it came with some of the better character conversations and relationships in a game. There is a lot to love here if you give it a chance.
Art Style:
The in game art style was simple yet clean looking. I felt like it was a good job not trying to get too ahead of themselves by taking on too much. The still visuals we extremely well done. Was the game sometimes darker than Game of Thrones in the White Walker War? Yes it was. I get the thought, but at times I felt like I couldn't see a thing. I also saw comments about the in game character art. I actually found them very expressive, maybe not the most detailed, but that's not what this game was going for. Respect it for what it is, not what you want it to be.
Cast of Characters:
I’ve seen a lot of complaints here….and yes the characters are very tropey at times. But honestly I felt like the conversing was extremely well done. The relationships felt real and the way the conversations were done and the VA really put so much more into it. I was really impressed with the voice acting! The main character while being silent actually had his own personality, which you could see from your conversation choices. I liked that rather than just a full clean slate. Yes there is an overall pervy feel, but it was clear that was going to be the case when the game was announced as a dating rpg.
Saw a lot of hate on this and honestly I didn’t like it either at first. Until it just all of a sudden clicked for me. It wasn’t meant to be a hack and slash game. Dodging an enemy attack with precision slows down time, giving you a better opportunity to attack. Hitting an enemy enough times within a short period creates a combo, allowing you to perform a stronger attack or a finisher. Attacking enemies or performing Perfect Dodges charges the Elemental Gauge, and parts of the Gauge can be used for an Elemental Fist attack that breaks enemy barriers if you succeed in a quick-time event. I would honestly say this games biggest hold back is feeling very contained. I would have loved to freely explore in this game. Especially since Seoul is a place I have wanted to visit. I would have loved to see costumes and such included but when reminded that this was one person working on this, it all makes sense and really makes you appreciate what Studio Sai did here.
Doing this review a bit later after playing the game and I can’t say I remember much of the OST. It had a very repetitive feel to it, while not the same songs for every area, they were very similar in feel. Most of them had a cool vibey undertone to them. Just nothing that jumped out to help emotional moments. I will say the battle vibes were enjoyable, again just nothing that left lasting impressions.
I found the story quite fun. Yes it was predictable at times and not anything too deep, but I don’t think it was trying not to be. It made me want to replay and get every ending. This story was less about what was really going on and more about the characters and the struggles they were dealing with during or before the incident. This is where the strength was, within each character conversation. I really didn’t want to game to end, and I felt the ending was a nice twist.
All in all, it’s no masterpiece, but I had so much fun with this game. Maybe my expectations were super low so I enjoyed it? All I know is it was one of my top games for 2023 that I played. I would have loved to see the world more opened up, but also realize that with 1 dev that’s kind of a big ask. Very excited to see what this studio does in the future!
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