This is a tough one. The game has it's good moments and bad habits:
The time between missions is way too long and the time to act on a mission is too long as well. You never feel the time pressure from other similar games like X-COM 2, where it is: "do this mission _now_ or suffer dire consequences". The consequences of not doing a mission are only losing a bit of rep with the corresponding faction. Which is kind of boring. Maybe you could be punished by not receiving ally-support from the corresponding faction for like 3 months in addition to losing rep.
Moreover, due to the fact the time between missions is so long, you only ever need one alpha-squad, because there is more than enough time to heal wounded recruits between missions. Having the ability to use only one squad, means the missions become rather trivial after like the 2nd winter, in the end my Sniper had 38 AP and was using 7 AP per shot and he had like 100 % hit chance over crazy distances. Combined with the crit-perk meant I could easily kill 2-3 opponents in 1 turn.
Since you only ever need 1 squad, means you never add recruits (I added 1 cook and 1 radio-man for convenience) and don't use the ressources the game gives you, which in return means: once you have survived the first winter, the ressource-management becomes a joke. For my last 2 winters I had all buildings on max (outside of 2 barracks, which I did not build, because I did not need them) and was sitting on max food, meds and wood. So the winter doesn't become a time of despair, rather a time of boredom because for 3 months nothing of note is happening at all.
The ally support system is not thought through well. In the early game when you struggle the most you gain the least support and later on, when you strive and have an abundance of everything you get shitloads of stuff you can't even use it all. I finished with 25k money, but only because I stopped caring about it after like the 2nd winter. The weapons-dealer is too harsh in the early game and too easy from the mid-game onwards. Once you've reached a certain threshold you just faceroll everything and have ressources in abundance. This feels wrong.
Also after a while you've seen every weapon there is - which is not too many. Sadly the only rifle that makes sense to use is the M1 Garand, as it has deals damage than the other rifles. Sadly there isn't a dedicated sniper-rifle, so in the end all my rifle-guys were using M1s and all my auto-guys used the FG42 (I was lucky enough to find two from dropped Fallschirmjäger-enemies). The heavy weapons are really poorly implemented and feel awful to use, even with the heavy-gunner perk on max. I would have loved to get better weapons later on, but after like the 2nd winter there sadly isn't anything to look forward to anymore in that deparment.
The missions are where the game really shines - which makes it so sad, that there is so little of them and so much time of nothingness between them. In the beginning the game is quite harsh, as most of your guys seem to not be able to tell the front from the back of the gun. Tip if you are starting out: build the shooting range asap and let your alpha-squad train every free minute you have. As soon as you reach a certain breakpoint the game becomes trivial though.
I would have liked a deeper combat: setting overwatch angles/cones so the guys I want to overwatch a corner do exactly that, instead of firing at the pixel of an enemy that entered their LOS accross the map. Also I would have appreciated the ability to shoot at certain body-parts to reach different effects. Like hitting an arm to give the enemy an aim-penalty or hitting the torso for a higher chance to inflict bleeding. Also I felt like the "hero-enemies" were a bit goofy, especially since you encounter some of them again after already killing them once (wtf?).
I tried to play every mission stealth only (if it was possible) - which was a nice challenge, as some of them were really tough to solve puzzles. It really felt rewarding to beat some missions stealth only. Creeping closer to the enemies to initiate and alpha-strike with overwatch was also very satisfying.
I really appreciate the effort the team put into the cutscenes but I can't overlook how cringy and goofy they are. The overarching story is really poorly implemented and I never felt any emotional connection to the main protagonists.
The snippets from the newspapers that tell important milestones from the war was a nice touch, although some _huge_ developments were left out, like the D-Day invasion on June 6th 1944. Not sure how the devs picked which events to include and which to omit. Maybe they tried to only focus on things happening on the eastern front, however they included the Wolfsschanze-Assassination attempt on Hitler, so...
Overall I would recommend Forgotten But Unbroken on a discount, as 35 € is too steep. I'd rate it 6.5/10. The missions were great, only too little with too much nothingness between them. I really enjoyed watching my squad grow from absolute noobs to being a black-ops killer-squad in the end. The combat feels satisfying, although I would have liked more depth. The game suffers from being poorly balanced. The early game is very harsh and punishing, from the mid-game onwards the game becomes too trivial and easy. I have finished the game on hard-difficulty and I do not have the desire to try the hardest difficulty.