This is one of those times I wish Steam had a neutral review, but ultimately I think what I'm about to describe is a fatal flaw, at least it was for me, so I'm giving a thumbs down.
Despite that, I think this game is awesome. It's a totally original idea with cool mechanics and strong puzzle design. They're not totally obvious at first glance but not so hard that you'll want to resort to trial and error. Each one can be reasoned out or intuited once you understand the full scope of the problem.
So why the thumbs down? Because truthfully, only half of the game is enjoyable. Each level has two versions - light and dark. You begin each level in the light version, and if you die you get sent to the dark version. Beating either version will let you progress to the next level, and beating both versions rewards you with some additional lore.
The problem is the light levels. Every light level has obstacles that can damage you. 3 hits and you're dead. Some levels have a place to heal yourself back to full health, but it can only be used once. Best case you can take 5 hits. When you die you get sent to the dark version of the level, or the level simply resets if you've already beaten the dark version. No progress is carried over, it's a hard reset every time. This is part one of the fatal flaw.
The other part is a combination of factors, the first of which are the obstacle hitboxes. They're very uncharitable to say the least, and generally feel inconsistent if not downright random. The second part is visibility. In the light levels you carry a torch and can't see anything outside of where your torch shines. Your vision radius is rather small, and is blocked by walls. A lot of the time you'll come upon an obstacle gauntlet, but be unable to see the whole thing. You're forced to go in blind while trying to dodge quick moving and sometimes erratic obstacles. The later levels have multiple gauntlets, sometimes late in the level. Being forced to enter a situation where it feels like you're almost being forced to take damage is not fun. It's especially bad when it kills you and you have to start the whole level again. This is why I can't stand the light levels, they don't respect the players time. Trial and error is fine, but only if you don't have to replay several minutes of content every time.
That being said, the dark levels are great because they have no obstacles at all. They also tend to be longer and have more intricate puzzles. Had a blast with these, I wish the whole game was like this. A puzzle game should be hard because of the puzzles, not because you died trying to dodge shit around a blind corner.
tl;dr - game forces you into situations where you're virtually guaranteed to take damage, and if you die you have to repeat the level which can take 5+ minutes. Half of the levels in the game are like this, so I can't recommend it because it doesn't respect the player's time.