I really hope this game can recover from the review dip, because it is genuinely a real gem now (if still a bit rough around the edges).
You play as an elderly character dealing with the loss of their partner. Your adult daughter is in town to help you with moving on by assisting the town with their big centennial festival. You open a seafood streetfood shop to raise money, which also leads you to investigate the mysteries plaguing the fishers of the bay.
The game offers a wide range of tasks:
- Rod fishing
- Net fishing
- Trap fishing
- Line fishing
- Cooking
- Exploration
- Photo mode
- Cleaning up trash in the sea
- Tasks for the townfolk
- Providing townsfolk with their favourite dish
- Renovating the town
- Boss fights (more puzzles than fights, which I like)
Early on, the game gives you almost complete control over how you want to allot your time. Lots of tasks can be done in parallel, there's always something to do. A lot of the gameplay is dexterity-based button pressing, though. I found the timing of these tasks very generous overall, but it's not suitable for everyone.
What the game does NOT have:
- Farming
- Ranching
- Breeding
- Crafting
- Fighting
- Mining
- Decorating your house
- Romance
- Complex friendship
(I didn't miss any of these aside from more decorations. I found it relaxing to not be in charge of absolutely everything for a change. :D)
I really thought the repetitive cooking minigames would annoy me, but to my surprise, they didn't. They were just interactive enough to keep the lizard brain occupied while the rest of my brain could chill in a hammock. I liked the different tools, and the mastery system to unlock new recipes is cool. Unlocking every dish is a ton of work though, but you only need that for the respective achievement.
The game features unlimited inventory right off the bat, which is a blessing for a digital hoarder like me. Sadly, it lacks some QoL features on this front, but it's not egregious.
Time runs on a day / night cycle, but without seasonal mechanics. You can pass time faster by sitting on benches, reading in your nook, or sleeping. You can sleep anytime and wake up in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night. Sometimes, time is slowed to a crawl for story events. Cooking doesn't take up any time.
I experienced a couple of bugs, but I never lost any significant progress or had to use the emergency teleport. If your boat gets stuck, you can call an in-game tow service, and the save system is incredibly generous. You can save almost anywhere / anytime and the game autosaves after sleeping.
I can't say anything about mouse/keyboard, but playing with controller was perfectly fine.
I'm not the biggest fan of the blocky artstyle in general. But the animations are incredibly fluid and done with a whole lot of love. The fish models in particular are super quirky and cute. Checking out the aquarium displays is something you should definitely do. And later with the line fishing, the models really have their time to shine.
You have a dog, and you can pet it.
The soundtrack is nice and never became grating or repetitive.
There is a co-op option, but I haven't tried it.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this game. It's definitely worth full price, I got ~40 hours out of it and haven't gotten 100% yet.