This game is 100% worth the price of admission. It is a quick, easy-to-set-up, and fun party game that is rightfully a classic in the Jackbox lineup and may be its most popular game. It is regularly considered among the best games in the series. Even in groups of friends where senses of humor differ, the game often holds up solidly regardless. There are only two points of concern I have with Quiplash.
Firstly, the final round is significantly worse than the first two. Round one is the standard Quiplash gameplay, while round two is the same thing but worth double points. The final round takes a different approach by having all players answer the same prompt, putting them all on screen at once, and giving points proportionally by votes. This sounds fine in concept, but is functionally less funny than the other two rounds due to the presentation of all jokes at once. Also, the final round doesn't feel like it is weighed as much as it should be, as it rarely impacts the final results as much as round two unless one person wins nearly all of the votes.
Secondly, it is a game that has been remade, and in my opinion, improved on, several times by Jackbox Games. Quiplash XL is included in Jackbox Party Pack 2 (which is effectively the same game with more prompts), Quiplash 2 is in Party Pack 3 (which improves on the final round), and Quiplash 3 is in Party Pack 7 (the best game in the bunch in my opinion). I believe each one of those party packs are worth buying, but if you have done so, it renders buying Quiplash as a standalone game a questionable value choice.
All in all, if you are interested in seeing how the series got its start, are interested in supporting Jackbox Games, or are not interested in getting any of the party packs but still want to lash some quips, this is definitely a game worth buying and one you will get plenty of time out of at parties, family gatherings, and the like.