I might be the only person in the galaxy who didn't realise what this was when I bought it. I was just all "ha, this sounds dumb!" And I am entertained by dumb humour, like if you've ever played "Akiba Strip." silly concept stuff like that makes me laugh. I somehow didn't know it was "adult" content and was akin to those graphic novels that aren't actually games. That said, I played it for a bit because I like dungeon crawlers, and as one its.... okay. But I did find it got impossibly repetitive not too long in, but it does trigger that annoying "gotta catch them all" itch that Pokemon burned into us when we were kids, so I did maintain interest longer than expected trying to collect all the monsters. But overall, its an okay dungeon crawler game, like a 3/5 kind of thing. If you're into the adult graphic novels, you'll like it much more than me though.