The gameplay is kinda mid. It doesn't have the sort of rhythm I want in an arcade soccer game, and frankly I don't see why it has all of these buttons when they're mostly useless. Just have pass and shoot? SWOS managed with a single button. It also seems pretty easy to get past the keepers each time so it's mostly a back and forth of goals, making it feel like basketball.
I think it goes to show that Sensible's Amiga days were lightning in a bottle. Maybe stop chasing it? Or just clone it perfectly?
Frankly I'm still surprised they're making this game. They've been making it since 2017, and I'm fairly certain I got 24 for free for owning the first game??? It's come a long way since then (SS '17 was the only game that's ever made me motion sick). But I'm surprised it's basically multiplayer orientated, I think that's a mistake for an indie football game. The single-player doesn't offer much at all as it's basically grinding against the AI to earn the fiddly card unlock stuff. The current system is weird and abstract and doesn't appeal to me at all. Why can't we take Fatfucks United from the Bostick League South 6 to the premier? Isn't that all we want!?
Net code is pretty shonky, and the tiny community means you're often playing someone in Brazil (from Europe) so your little dudes are warping all over the place.
Overall: Get it on sale?