(Veteran console player here) To start off I absolutely love this game. And so far it feels amazing on PC. Below you will find my key points I insist sharing with you.
*this game can be hard to get used to, don’t let it deter you from playing and getting better!
*it’s unique and unlike any other extraction game (almost more arcade like and progression based)
*don’t go off of vague / info lacking steam reviews, this game is great and people are upset they won’t keep their early access progression.
*if you even slightly enjoy this game PLEASE leave a positive rating/review that way we can build the player base!!!
*currently can’t find shootout games because low population.
*progression is very rewarding and almost addicting.
*gameplay will have you on the edge of your seat listening for footsteps close by.
*$20 dollars is nothing for a game of this caliber, especially if you look at how much other developers are charging. (The game will be free to play by the end of year)
*I am rather sad I will not keep my player / base progression once early access is over. (You work hard in this game and it takes time) but I will be excited to start fresh with the reinforcement pack when that time comes..*cough cough* hopefully soon because the more us players play, the more we obtain, and the more we lose when early access comes out. Resulting in bad reviews, less players, and less people purchasing in game battle passes. I have spoken.
End note. Get this game it can be really fun, it’s cheap, rewarding, and something that is AMAZING to come back to after putting down. (Nothing like coming back to base after a few months and having all your materials maxed out)
GoBroDingo out ✌️