Solid middle ground between Advanced wars and Fire emblem for the modern gamer. I played through the campaign in both games, and I tried the conquest mode in Wargroove 2, but didn't really play online or with the map making features.
I like what the devs are trying to do, and I want them to keep working on products like this, because frankly, no one else is. However I have some issues I would like to see addressed in future DLCs/games.
Combat: Often times I felt like there were "options" but I didn't really have an option. For example one early mission the commander asks the fresh new recruit were playing, if she thinks we should go North/South? I answered North. Then I saw that the optional objectives mention there's a third path of diagonal through the map. No matter what path I took, I was going to be assaulted on all three sides. This made me really unhappy. As it felt like I was spread thin trying to fight 3 fronts. If you want the played to have options, they should ACTUALLY get the choice. This was further driven home when I did the PLIP puzzle mission. I loved the mission, but at one point, I used a hint, it told me I was wrong, but it was in fact a correct action. I just happened to do it on a tile the game wasn't expecting.
This lack of choice also comes down to how I feel about conquest mode. I haven't quite seen what all the meta progression options are and what they do, but The fact I have to choose between healing my commander or all my other units is wild. The commander is the only one that can reasonably tank oncoming damage, and also the only one that can put out consistent damage across the board. I lose at the final boss every time. Ill keep trying, but It doesn't feel like I'm making progress. I'm also playing on the EASIEST difficulty because I wanted to get a handle on how the game mode worked. The RNG just kicks my butt.
Story: I enjoyed the story. Creative. Fun twists. Emotional elements.
What I HATED was that I would spend 10 minutes going from the post mission story, then start the next mission and have more dialog, AND THEN for the FIRST 5 TURNS of the game, both commanders on each side have a conversation. It felt dragged out. And was incredibly annoying as I was thinking of my next move, and it was interrupted. I don't like being interrupted by "flavor events" after the mission has started. If reinforcements are coming, or a commander had a "change of heart" mid mission and joined our cause, that's fine, give me dialog. But one of the first fog of war missions had me puling my hair out when EVERY TURN was crammed full of exposition.
ALSO, I wish we had more time with different units. I never got to see some of the flying or naval units of different countries throughout the game. I know I can probably see them in other game modes or online, but personally I don't like games like this online.
Gameplay overall:
I LOVED how good the movement tracking was. Fire emblem sometimes does and awful job at maintaining the course you set for a character to move before attacking. It helped a lot with the knight/mounted units, whose critical required they attack at the edge of their units.
Can the spacebar or enter key be used to select actions after I have selected a unit. I had a spare hand the entire campaign and had to use my mouse to click "fight/wait/exit". I really wish the space bar or another key could be my selection function.
I wish there was a bit more to the campaign, I felt like the fog of war maps were kind of few and far between. Also, When I was on a Night map I thought it was a fog of war, maybe there's a way to turn that into a fun mechanic?
I also loved how the different countries didn't have random BUFFS/NERFS to their units like advanced wars.
I have some gripes, but I want to make it very clear that I love this game. The style/art/music are all perfect. I just hope some of my feedback only improves the game overall. PLEASE keep making this content.