Rendrath the Deathless
Crystal Consortium
No longer heals team mate Minions
Perk 2 healing 15 > 20
There is a major discrepancy between how Valorian performs in 1v1 and 2v2 this is trying to address that.
Arcane Bolt
Kill threshold: 400 > 450
Bazooka Scrat
HP 120 > 140
Bounce Berry Flingers
Attack Cooldown 2 > 1.9
Duration 3 > 4
Most cards using the Frozen mechanic are underperforming, and at 3 seconds the mechanic seems a little underwhelming and uninteresting.
Idol of Sacrifice
Gains Haste instead of Rage
Gor'Rakk Gate
Elite Swarmer > Flightless Dragon
It is now less punishing in terms of health lost when you get this option and their offensive output is significantly higher, so this should result in a sizable buff. However, whether it’s actually easier to gain the needed value from playing the card remains to be seen.
Grasping Thorns
Damage 220 > 240
Seal Mana 5 > 4
Net Blaster
HP 120 > 140
S1ege Br3aker
HP 550 > 625
Arcane Spheres 2 > 4
Mark an area and fire sparks 1 at a time at the area
Already underperforming while also being changed to align with the Arcane Barrage nerf.
City Watch
Mana 5 > 6
Leggo count 0 > 1
Xbow Dude count 3 > 2
This card is still just too strong.
Magnetic Bombs
Moves faster over time, starts at 4 > 16 (hits max speed at opponent tower)
Damage 80 > 90
This is intended to both buff the card a little and make it more offensive. Moving slower in the beginning means they will be easier to kill when used defensively.
Toll of the Dead
Mana 6 > 5
Copies 3 > 1
Removing the wildcard option makes it less strong as a win condition where you have to stop multiple waves of multiple skeletons, so we feel it’s appropriate to bring it back to 5 mana where it is a strong ascension card.
Unholy Ground
Spawns 5 Skeletons over the duration
First Skeleton spawns immediately
Only Spawns skeletons when there is an enemy in the area
Also immobilize ground Minions
Duration 10 > 7
Accursed Ascension: +3 seconds, +3 skeletons
This card was never really used for its intended purpose of being a control tool, instead being used as a skeleton spawner.
Arcane Barrage
Mark an area and fire sparks 1 at a time at the area.
Actually making the card do a barrage instead of a volley. Makes counterplay easier, also makes it less straightforward to get full value by reducing sniping potential generally.
No longer shields flyers
This does help with the Mana Chaser situation, but it's also a good change generally since artificially inflating flyer health has frequently been a problem.
No longer shields flyers
No longer shields flyers
Chain Lightning
Jump Distance 7 > 5
Most played card in the game which is much easier to get full value out of than other spells, so we're upping the skill floor. We also don’t want to touch the mana or damage right now.
Dormant Defenders
Copies allowed 3 > 1
Dodge chance lost per hit: 10% > 15%
Still able to serve his main function but less able to do so over any kind of long term. He’s both overperforming and played a lot.
Mana Chaser
Range 8 > 6
Scrat Tank
HP 650 > 600
Fixed Flightless Dragons occasionally not gaining rage when behind on health.
Fixed units spawned from Blind Date occasionally trying to ascend to a higher plane of existence
Fixed ground melee minions affected by Net Blaster suddenly being able to attack flyers.
Fixed Bearvalanche bears running in the wrong direction.
Fixed R3KT perk 3 description stating the wrong damage.
Removed Slitherbind from Living Statue description.
Removed Mana Surge visuals where appropriate.
Fixed Mana Chaser's occasionally glowing.
Made Spelldancer’s barrage area indicator only appear when she would activate.
Removed Apep’s swirling projectiles.