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Saturday, October 14, 2023 12:20:46 PM

Development Update

We have some information for you on the next content drop for Kynseed. We hope to get an Experimental build of our 'Big Build Update' out on Steam in the next couple of weeks or so.
As you probably know, we are a really small company (just two full-time employees), all working remotely, and this update is pretty BIG.
With that and other things needing to be done, we have to chase down some bugs and clear up a few design challenges before we share the new features any wider.
If the timings for the Experimental build move, which could be the case, we will make sure to put up a message on Steam as soon as we know. We'll try and keep you informed a bit better going forward.
All the best, and thanks for your continued support and understanding as we work on this additional content to our beloved game which we launched in December last year. We are nearly there and hope it will be worth the wait.

Kindest regards,