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cover-Football Manager 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023 5:00:06 PM

FM23 에서 승격 마스터하기

There are few sweeter feelings for a Football Manager player than winning promotion. However, whether you’ve coasted to the title with a promotion favourite or upset the odds to triumph in the playoffs, acclimatising to the division above will be tough.
Preparing for life after a promotion is never easy and can be quite daunting. How will your current squad fare at the next level? Will your 20-goal striker find the same space and time when playing against better central defenders, protected by better defensive midfielders? Can you afford to keep playing such a high defensive line against far stronger opposition attacks?
You’ll naturally want to upgrade your squad but you’ll invariably find yourself with a smaller wage and transfer budget than most of your new divisional rivals.
Visit The Byline on the Football Manager Website to see how ThrowingCopperFM explores insights on finding value in the transfer market and gaining mastery in FM23 promotion,