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cover-Sons of the Forest

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 5:58:59 PM


Hey everyone,
Here are some small fixes for some issues that came up in last weeks patch release

Fixed skulls not being collectable from burnt bodies and fixed colliders on burnt bones
Stone Storage can now be dismantled
Fix for side rack items disappearing in the log sled when pushed away from where it was spawned
Fix for cooking pot on a fire teleporting to the player's hands if they pick up an item and another player has placed a pot on the fire
Fixed some cases of Kelvin not correctly interacting with storage holders
Fixed bug when on fire and driving the golf cart that would break physics
Fixed a bug that would lose item mods when dying while driving the golf cart
Fix for input breaking mapping menu when in the golf cart
Improved logging in dedicated servers
Added new dedicated server setting to opt-out of the network accessibility self-test procedure "SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest"; check the Guide for more details

As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub.