Antonblast Review (poobles)
in hindsight, yea this is a good game. but holy hell, does it have some BIG flaws. the NUMBER 1 big problem with this game is that they BARLEY give you any source of help on telling you what to do. i get that they have *small* visual cues, but this game already has so much going on the screen, its difficult to tell where anton is sometimes. and none of this becomes more apparent than the Mole bosses, they dont tell you a damn thing about how to fight them, you really are kinda left out to dry, which i understand that the game wants to be challenging, but even then dude its like sometimes im literally left with ZERO fucking clue on what im supposed to do in some of these bosses, like a the prime example is the maul mole boss fight, hes the one on the stage, and he has this weird audience meter that your supposed to keep up, but trying to figure out how to keep it up is a mystery that took me like 20 trys, this issue is apparent in just about every fight (except the dragon and maybe jewel ghoul) the moles are gonna be the most annoying fights in this game.
and dont even get me started on that bullshlt final boss, bro has like 5 phases and all of them are shit. mostly the last 2, you basically go super sonic at the end but the game dosent tell you a DAMN thing about how to use your abilities. took me like 50 trys just to realize i could fly up, satan is also a poor example of the game just having so much shit hurled onto the screen, which for the FINAL boss, is something you want to avoid. will say tho, if i knew exactly what i was doing from the start, and if this game had a good resolution, then that final boss would be cool as fuck. but its not.
even in some of the levels you are just completely lost, like in the pinball level i honestly just held left bc i didnt know wtf to do in the ball form and it basically just threw me to the end, but the gimmick with the actual pinball arenas is still a clue to me. another level that just confused the hell out of me was the mall one, theres like 4 puzzle rooms that you have to do challenges in and theyre fine, except the blue room which isnt even confusing, its just bullshit. the goblins go WAY to fast and its really annoying, ik i just got "skill issue" but pick this game up for yourself and youll see that this game sometimes just dosent give a rats ass about you in at least hinting on where you should go or handle the bosses. i know i could look up a tutorial but come on dude that is lame asf, and it ruins the moment.
Despite the shit i just hurled at it, i still think you should play it, the levels that DONT have this problem are super fucking good, and jewel ghoul is just badass, art and music kick ass, but that should go without saying. also satan is funny too. (too bad his fight is dog cheeks)
if your even remotely interested in checking it out, id say go for it. just excpect to have a hard time with the bosses.