Argo Review (vytholus)
This is a fun little game where you basically do mini QTEs to activate powers and break free of enemy attacks. There is meta-progression after each death in the form of runes you obtain during a run. Each run only take a couple of minutes, quite literally.
HOWEVER - when you die, the screen prompts you to press "E" to restart - doing so, 100% of the time, locks the game up and you need to close the game window completely and re-launch to keep playing. Luckily, the runes you obtain during a run are kept even when doing this, but... it definitely prevents me from wanting to do "one more run." When/if this bug is fixed, I think I would totally recommend this as a cheap game to kill a short period of time, but having to restart the game every 2 - 3 minutes means that I can only cautiously recommend this at the current time.