Exoprimal Review (Renio)
In short: I like game, game good.
In a bit more detail/good info to have imo;
The combat, the main thing you'll be doing, is quite fun. It feels somewhat similar to Overwatch in regards to picking a character(exosuit in this game) which decides what kind of weapon you use and what kind of abilities you have. So far there are 10 exosuits with the devs mentioning in videos that they'll be adding more with future patches.
Enemy Types & Maps
Here's something you MUST keep in mind about this game, more maps and dino enemies are unlocked by playing the game to progress the story. It starts off with three basic dino types, aka you'll be seeing these a lot, and three big dino's which you'll see regularly as minibosses and such.
I don't know how many types there are but so far I know of two additional types that are encountered later.
The same goes for maps, you'll start off in the residential of the island but as you play more and more locations get added to the possible pool, this never means you are guaranteed to get one of the later unlocked maps but you'll see them around often enough.
This is mainly done over three tracks, depending on what you consider progression and what not.
Player Level
Exosuit Level
Survival Pass Level
They are all rather self-explanatory I'd say but I'll tell you what they actually unlock.
Player level mostly unlocks universal modifications and 'rigs'. Rigs are an equippable item that has an active ability thats on a cooldown, this can be anything from a superjump to a heal to a shield and so on. Modifications are changes to the actual exosuit, they are nothing major but nice bonuses to keep you alive in most cases.
Leveling up your player level also gives you in-game currency and the like as a reward.
Exosuit level is unique per exosuit and primarily used for gaining access to exosuit unique modifications and getting exosuit related cosmetics for your account.
Survival Pass Levels primarily give you cosmetics, anything from player profile icons to skins for exosuits.
So far I have not run into any bugs or lag. Loading is at times a teeny bit slower than I'd like but its far from long.
The game looks fine, its not the highest of high definitions but it does a considerably better job than something like the EDF games which sacrifice visual quality to increase in-game enemy quantity instead. This game walks a wonderful balance between the two.
Story(Spoiler Free)
The story is fine, you can focus on just playing the game and it'll give you the occasional cutscene with some basic info. Every mission however you get 'data' which unlocks fully voiced and sometimes cutscened interactions with the main crew you work with. The writing does the job well enough, and the occasional joke landed well though that is a matter of personal taste. So far its not the grandest or best story out there, but it is neat enough.
Okay so, this one is rough, the game IS expensive, but I wouldn't say its abnormally so. The best comparison for this would be Sea of Thieves, also a game where you do randomized similar things that was/is full-price and has a season pass. The same would be going for Diablo 4 which has similar things.
Skins and the like are easily obtainable in the game, the currency is easy enough to get and you do get 'lootboxes' every now and then that will just give you free stuff. You can't buy these lootboxes.
You might've noticed some purchasable DLC skins, these are recolors of freely obtainable skins in the game, therefore are completely and utterly optional if you want to support the devs and such.