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Thursday, January 30, 2025 2:12:07 AM

Mordhau Review (LoneWolf7240)

TLDR: The devs listened too much to the top 10% of players and now the game feels unplayable to those not putting 30hrs a week into this nearly dead game.
I played this game on day of release and put 40 hours in the first week.
This game has reached a semi-dead semi-unwelcome state where only the top 15% still really play it. The game sold over a million copies and had ~40k players for its first two months and then fell off to ~5, now it hovers at 1500 per day. I think this is because the only people still playing are the people who were good from day one or have put in the time to really stick around. The changes to shields in patch 10 resulted in a lot of people being unable to keep up with the higher skill players in the frontline and invasion modes. The changes to horses has also meant you can't really do a lot of the same silly stuff on those either. The game feels to have moved in a purely balanced 1v1 direction and it's real heart came from the silly character customization and voices and the lutes and flutes people and the shenanigans of combat. Now it's hard to land kicks, avoid being decapitated from drags in 3v3 scenarios, you can't rely on a shield to keep you safe, and horses feel super unpowered. This game isn't how it started and it's not the competitor to Chivalry 2 it could and should be. Bring back old shields, get rid of couching limits, maybe change the drags a bit, and stop focusing on the ranked modes that very few people ever got the game for.