Omno Review (bolte)
You know what would be great? It would be great if satan sidled up to games like Omno, gathered up all the timed puzzles, and brought them to hell where they belong. That way, the proper audience for timed puzzles, such as Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Lopez, Shipman, and their ilk could suffer them while enduring eternal blistering torment.
And then--dream with me--with the timed puzzles gone, the rest of us could enjoy ostensibly 'chill' amusements such as Omno without reservation and frustration. Such fun we would then have. What recreational delights.
But for now we're not having fun, because the timed puzzles are still there, so instead we are writing scathing negative reviews just before abandoning another daft game that injects novel misery late in the experience, after which we will buy someone else's game at full price because, while we are getting old and suffer from failing reflexes, we have reached the life stage where we have endless disposable income and can buy any game we want, when we want, but we won't be buying another game from you.