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Sunday, July 24, 2022 7:12:54 PM

Ragnarock Review (Ashinsai)

I really enjoy the game and would recommend it, the music is great and I feel like doing a fun workout every time I play.
However I feel a certain level of frustration with it too. My setup isn't too bad I think, but even on low settings and without loading a background in while playing I get moments (not even everytime, just occasionally?) where the game just suddenly lags causing me to miss runes. Most noticably this happens when passing a gate (bronze/silver/gold)
Also my latency seems to constantly be around 20+ms off even after adjusting offset in the settings I can't seem to find a consistent setting where I would reliably get good hits. This way on multiplayer I can hit every single note and still loose against someone who missed a couple but has 2ms latency and reliably hits 60%+ perfect.
Trying not to be salty about it and more power to them but it feels like I'm hitting a wall where latency offset to my hits causes me to reach a point where I can't possibly get better results no matter how hard I try.
I'd wish that performance could be improved to give a more rewarding playing experience in this regard but overall it's still a game I love and will continue playing.