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Tuesday, November 5, 2024 8:54:56 PM

Roboquest Review (Doom)

Roboquest looks like a skill based fps roguelite at first glance. In my experience however, even if you unlocked all the meta-progression; it all boils down to one thing.
Circle-strafing around enemies 24/7 shooting anything you can while trying to dodge thousands of projectiles.
Sure there is classes to make your own playstyle but regardless of anything you pick pre/during the run, it doesnt effect the inevitable. Which is the game is not even half finished and needs an overhaul to be complete. There is absolutely no sense when you play an Assasin class, designed around stealth and single targets; and then the game forcing you to fight tons of enemies with barely meaningful covers/map design which ultimate leads you to circle-strafe and pick whatever does best dps.
There is a lot of effort in this game, a lot of ideas with different and fun affixes but it fails its purpose on it. Its quite fun and i will probably play it until i get bored, if it captivated you; you should definitely try the demo if not buy it. However in its current state, its pretty unrecommendable for me.