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Tuesday, September 27, 2022 1:44:18 PM

Valheim Review (Caipa)

Pro: Love the Game. Can highly recommend it. (Please scroll to the last sentece I wrote, it sums the current state up)
Con: Don't buy into promises of things to come. They're approaching with the speed of the next ice age.
Community thoughts (Most voiced and voted everytime something got posted"
"We love the game"
"Hire more developers"
"More content pls, stop sleeping"
My thoughts on why:
The game released with a Roadmap in 02.02.2021 (roadmap one day after the release).
It received unprecedented love and exploded in popularity. It was a EA game that was good, and lock-downs were a windfall for Valheim.
It even Achieved a "Game of the Year award by PC Gamer" (we are truly living in interesting times when a EA Game can receive that award).
Every new milestone got posted:
10.02.2021: 1 million players
26.02.2021: 2 million players
19.02.2021: 3 million players
24.02.2021: 4 million players
03.03.2021: 5 million players
Interspersed with quiete a lot of bug fixes, since with the massive player numbers of the EA game gave the devs quite a lot of bug hunters:
But, as we can see the time inbetween got larger but the quality and quality stagnated.
Meanwhile we got Development News:
19.03.2021 - Here is us, the developers
23.04.2021 - We changed the skin of one Mob, as well as two teaser pictures on two items to come
21.05.2021 - We bought (donated?) a Pony
This is also the first post that received backlash, as with increasing sales, expectations grew, yet time inbetween releases (read: patch notes) did too. Instead of news on the roadmap fulfillment the community was treated to a picture of a horse.
15.06.2021 - Announcement that the promised Updates will be delayed. The First is expected to come in Q3 2021. It's the first time, people get unhappy with the delays in Updates, as they realized the Roardmap might be unrealistic at the current pace.
And it did. On the 17.09.2021 they released the first major update of the promised 4 in 2021.
It was good, but the expectations were higher, especially considering the huge delays, and swell in sales. Common thought was to hire more devs, to expand the game and sell even more copies of the game... (keep this thought in the back of your mind)
22.10.2021 - We got treated to a filler and a concept art picture.
24.11.2021 - Is Valheim your Game of the Year? Please vote. (Interesting times, we live in)
25.11.2021 - One new Armor set and 2 concept art pictures got released. Shame on you for thinking this might be anything else but lucky timing to be released one day after the post of the GOTY mention.
17.12.2021 - Happy holidays Valheim Community Post
22.12.2021 - Please vote for us as GOTY
Some think Valheim being nominated for a GOTY award could set a bad pecedent and the three top post on the first page reflect this. I'll leave this up to the individual.
02.02.0222 - It's been a year since launch, and Valheim has released one out of four updates. We get a picture of a corridor from a potential future dungeon as well as a concept art of a new mob. The interesting shift in this post is also towards the community, in the form of showing buildings that player have built in the game. With hindsight very telling is that IronGate will focus to ensure Valheim will run smoothly on Steamdeck. Awesome, but what about the promised updates?
01.03.2022 - A roadmap Goal is renamed and this is it, interestingly enough they show concept art instead of ingame footage.
25.03.2022 - We show how an item (a Bow) is created from concept art in Blender. Also the game is SteamDeck verified.

Since then the post have gotten fewer / quieter and the comments demanding for more updates instead of bug fixes have increased in strenght.
The feedback 11.08.2022 - was so negative that discussion and comments are no longer enabled. Large portions of the community are veryh upset. The sales were windfall of epic proportions, the preceived development in turn seemed to have slowed in similar proportions.

And I can understand the community. Showing a blender construceted Mob (a hare) and item (a bow) seems impressive, but underwhelming when considering the the timeframe and the amount of QoL and game improvements modders have introduced in the same timeframe, or even pure number of items modders have created. Suddenly reskined items seem far less impressive.
Especially upsetting is, if you think that comment got disabled just about the time they announce to focus on cross-platform compatibiliy, instead of finishing the game on the main platform (PC) first. The community still waits on the fullfillment of the promise of the last 2 updates, while the team focuses on new platforms, that are not that upset yet, instead of furthering development on the main platform.
Some (me) compare it to No Man's Sky of the Indie world, except NMS hired more devs and cranked out gameplay update after gameplay update,... after a long silence. Valheim, could not keep quiet about how great they felt, but cranked out nigh nothing, instead of hiring more staff.
Both promised more than they delivered.
One buckled down an kept stiocially quiet, took the blows, and then delivered.
One exhilareted in how great they felt and how thankful they were, but lagged in devlivering and when the blows came, they silencerd the community.