Voidwrought Review (Phranc)
In Need Of Lots of Tweaking And Redesigning
By no means Voidwrought is a "bad" game. It has some moments, but a lot of confusing design choices bring the experience down. From way too easy difficulty to overlapping gating abilities, from cramped and over-designed level to almost non-existent story, the whole package just feels outdated comparing to other metroidvanias released in the same year.
Things I Like About Voidwrought:
Some Compliments
I love the art style. It has a good balance between simple and detailed. Each level has a clear and varied theme.
Monsters and bosses' designs are nothing short of amazement. Shame their combat capabilities can't keep up.
You can freely swap your Souls and Relics anywhere you want even in battle. Interestingly, the cool-down time for each relic seem to be calculated individually. You can swap out the one on cool-down for another and use it immediately. This trick adds a much-needed depth to the simple combat.
Things I Dislike About Voidwrought:
1. Over-designed Level And Overlapping Abilities
This is the first time I encounter this kind of peculiar problem Voidwrought has.
The gating abilities in Voidwrought are nothing impressive, which would be fine if they have any secondary functions. Alas, they don't.
Sliding has no i-frame and feels awkward to use; Wall latch and wall jump shouldn't be separated abilities; Slither form completely overshadow grappling hook, wall jump and even double jump; You can only grapple the circular hooks in the level. You can't grapple enemies; Heavy attack, tech-possession, and phasing are just keys in different shapes; Dashing has a weird freezing moment at the end.
There is also no "guidance" to which abilities players should get first. Allow me to elaborate: most metroidvanias have clear indications where players can go and can not. They can't access this location unless they have X ability. Voidwrought doesn't do that. Instead most of the level entrance features two type of traversal mechanic, like the cliff that clearly needs grappling hook to go up also has small ledges for players to just wall jump up.
This sense of freedom is certainly interesting, but the more I play the more confused I become. To me this design lessen the impact a gating ability should provide and also dwindle the excitement of using said ability. If I can access this place without grappling, what is the point of grappling? If I can just keep going, why should I go back and explore other places for new abilities?
As a result, levels need to cull some unnecessary traversal designs and close off some areas for proper ability-check.
What's funnier is that pogoing enemies allows you go to higher places meant for double jump. For my 15 hour of playthrough I genuinely thought this metroidvania is brave enough to go without double jump. Imagine my surprise and confusion when I finally got it after I've explored 95% of the map...
2. Difficulty And The Dull Combat
I don't want to be that guy who likes to "first try ggez noob gamemrkhojhc", but clearly something is wrong if I can just face-tank and spam every single boss with ease.
It's hard to pinpoint which aspect of the combats is wrong: maybe the health of every enemy needs some boost, maybe our attack speed need some slight speed change, or maybe the bosses need more distinct attack patterns.
Currently enemies feel way too squishy to our attack. It is way easier to rush through than to learn their move sets.
Bosses also lack more impactful performance. They get the striking appeal but not matching strength.
Our combat options may also be the culprit to the problem: spam attack and use two relic abilities. The protagonist's attack is really fast, and the relics are really powerful even with no combo.
Platforming doesn't fare well either. Not a single platforming challenge requires you to use more than two abilities.
3. Other Complaints
I know story in metroidvania is often light, but Voidwrought is almost devoid of any story elements. All we have is dialogue.
The marking system is horrendous, archaic even.
A note for all the quest progression would be nice.