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cover-El Dorado

18 Nisan 2023 Salı 14:00:41


Hello Builders! 👋

The last time you’ve heard from us we’ve mentioned the topic of today’s devlog - the Gods.
We’ve warned you not to underestimate them, provoke them or ignore your religious duties. Today you’ll hear more about the Religion mechanic in our game! 🤩

In the old times, Gods ⚡ weren’t just the creators and destroyers of life, they were also its maintainers. People believed that zealous faith and showing the Gods their utmost respect will bring them good fortune 🍀, protection 🛡️, victory on the battlefield and all the good things one could wish for.

Therefore, you’ll have to follow their example. Build temples and shrines 🛐 near the houses where every now and then you’ll have to offer sacrifices to appease the Gods, win their favors and what’s most important - secure the village from all the dangers ☠️ lurking around every corner.

You can offer the sacrifices during the festivals in the temple. At that time, head priests perform mystical, 🩸 bloody rituals for the glory of the God-Kings of the world. The more sacrifices are offered, the more favorably the Gods will look upon your people.

In your civilization, three Gods tower over all the others:
🌩️ Chac, the God of thunder, water and plants. Keeper of the four directions of the world
🌑 Ixchel, the Goddess of the moon, fertility and destruction
🌌 Itzamna, the God creator, ruler of the skies

At this point you may have asked yourselves… How will you be able to predict which God needed to be given a sacrifice to protect your civilization from a calamity? 🤔
That’s simple! The most talented fortune-tellers worked together and created the calendar 📅 to help you with your religious duties and predict which God needs to be prayed to.
Ancient civilizations also thrived in astronomy. ✨ Their priests could’ve predicted the future using stars! Be it a deposit of a rare, valuable ore, calamity 🌋 or an enemy tribe preparing to attack ⚔️ them, stars held the knowledge about all of that. Will you regain this skill and use it to your advantage while bringing your civilization to prosperity?

Let us know your thoughts about those mechanics! We can’t wait to hear your ideas and opinions. 💭 Maybe you’ve got some wishes about the contents of the game? Join our discord community 👇 and talk about them with the game devs directly! Also, add the game to your wishlist 👇 to never miss on any further update!


See you soon,
El Dorado Team