30XX İnceleme (muromirG)
While this game surely has it's flaws (mainly, a lack of variety associated with it being in early access), it's got great potential.
I'd say the Ace character would need a bit of balancing around his powers (IE:the one where you summon flames from above is so lackluster), to address his lack for ranged options. I'd suggest that his powers receive more focus on the sword and its range. It's why Zero had EX skills that would work as a thrust into many directions: more range w/ a bit of risk — if you would overextend your hitbox, you'd pay for it getting hit, but if you pulled off a multihit thrusting hurtbox in front of you, the enemy gets it harder and dies to good positioning.
Overall, the Ace powers rely on a few gimmicks that, in my opinion, serve only to spike your damage or have very situational uses, making the A Saber (default attack) just that much more reliable. Everytime I get the Less power = more damage upgrade, I take it bc it's that worth it to nuke a boss with a double charge + hit combo — while the boomerang blade, even w/ a few upgrades, deals laughable damage and has energy costs shared with other more important things. The downthrust power, that sends ripples, would be a step in a great direction, however without a downward sword hurtbox (like Zero's skills had), you put your character in too much risk for it to be worth it.
I feel like Ace has so much risk, but only gets payoff in terms of raw-horizontal damage, making him very one-trick in my opinion: you hit what's to your X-Axis very hard, but fall flat vs. more dinamic targets and bosses. Zero's EX skills had variable ranges that made his character more adaptable, while still keeping a high risk approach to pulling off higher damage values — which made him a bit more dangerous to enemies around the Y-Axis too.
Overall, this is my only critic to this game, since Nina just got her "X"-fullscreen-buster-buff (which makes her really fun, since she's essentialy very true to an X-playstyle now). The rest is truly amazing; ost, sound effects, graphics and mechanics are all a step in the best direction. Mega mode is awesome and doesn't self-contain the Memorias progression which is even better.
It's a steal, obligatory play for PS1-era Megaman X fans, since most mechanics are loosely based on what you'd find in Megaman X4 through X6. Mechanics for those who are familiar include, but aren't limited to: double charge, airdash, hover jets, spin cuts, etc.
With time, and a few improvements, this game will def. rock.