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5 Aralık 2024 Perşembe 02:22:59

Antonblast İnceleme (Pretzel)

Yeah okay I'm feeling like Reviewing.
Antonblast is a pretty charming game with a lot of exploration in each level. The music is very high quality for its inspiration and reminiscences of Warioland and Crash Bandicoot. The controls and gameplay are very fluid to use when you aren't forced to do a level gimmicks transportation.
The story is pretty short and sweet. Big devil man sees a guy more red than him and gets furious, sending his moles to trash the place and steal his stuff to motivate Anton to beat the living hell out of him. After that you meet a bar tender who has blacklisted you for stealing spirits, but lucky you! Those spirits are exactly what was stolen from you, so you make a deal to get them back and you get to drink. Simple. The rest is all gameplay until you get to the end which I won't say.
The collectibles are where its at for me. A lot of the items you find are sort of the same thing though, Spraycans for color swaps or Tapes for listening to secrets, etc. But the way you obtain these in certain levels leaves you feeling pretty satisfied and that's what I like about these collectibles, you have no idea where they can be and you have no idea what it could be, a spraycan could turn you into a ghost or a cassette tape plays literal rain drop effects, it's just a bunch of utter nonsense in the good way!
The level designs for the first half of the game are perfection and I have no complaints, though the other half just left me more annoyed than anything, Level 8 has you on a constant timer which you have no choice but to restart the level if you want to get everything, or level 9 with a rocket that has you going all over the place and you will definitely lose points the first time you play this level.
The bosses aren't anything to cry home about, the only necessarily good ones are the "BIG" bads You'd see after the first mole and third mole. The fourth mole boss is cool in concept but it might be my least favorite boss I have fought against in a long time. You essentially run around dodging normal enemies and curse words the entire battle and you have to make sure the dramameter doesn't fall to the tragedy side. If it falls to tragedy, you make no progress and the fight continues on until you eventually get to the actual "Fight" where you play a game of Volleyball with an over sized tomato. Yeah. Sounds all cool on paper but the actual fights the last five seconds.
I also found the first half of the levels to be extremely well done. But the other half were hit or miss for me. My least favorite level has to be the mall level as I mentioned before as level 8. No offense but I don't appreciate a level where the entirety of it is put on a timer and if you are too slow or want to explore it all at your leisure, then chances are you won't be getting the spirit at the end. The enemies in this level were also just made to slow you down and not even hurt you. The cameras, the green blobs, the jumping trash goblins, everything, I had to replay this level four times just because I couldn't find everything in time and that pissed me off.
The last complaint I have is the level transport gimmicks, stuff like the Pinball ball, Bomb body and Jetpack. While I do appreciate some of these, a lot of them are very hard to control and if you have bad timing and handling, you could die very easily and be forced to retry again from the last checkpoint or during "ITS HAPPY HOUR!."
Speaking of, "IT'S HAPPY HOUR" is a lot of fun. I love how so many levels just devolve into utter chaos in the background and foreground as you are racing by in an attempt to escape while slamming enemies out of the way with your giant mallet. It feels like being a pyromaniac and using a NUCLEAR flamethrower BABY! No issue with the timer either, its VERY generous for someone who isn't fond with Wario-Likes, like myself.
Overall that covers basically everything I feel like sharing with my experience on this game. The game is REALLY good, creative, filled to the brim with chaos and insanity, fun visual and audio effects and a plethora of BLASTING gameplay. I honestly just wish there were more levels to play though.