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26 Aralık 2023 Salı 04:16:47

Cuisineer İnceleme (SiddiqTheMyth)

UPDATE now with 30.6hrs of playtime.
I want to change this game to recommended because i did get some good play time out of it, but it just needs so many improvements that I can't bring myself to do it.
I think I have gotten as much content as I can out of this game. I am pretty much at the end, and its just a tedious gameplay loop of getting ingredients and running the restaurant, really no big payoff or incentive to finish the game. Even the dungeons get repetitive. Honestly, not much else has changed. The only item of note is that i received 3 additional slayer requests, but again the rewards remain the same.
An additional improvement i would suggest is better rewards for clearing a dungeon. there is literally no reason to go all the way through a dungeon ever except for the one recipe relate quest and maybe achievements (not sure why your hunting those on a casual game but you do you).
Still, thank you Dev team for the effort you put into making this, I hope it is improved and not left to gather steam library dust.
Initial review with 13hrs of gameplay
I hope the Devs read my review and take notes of possible improvements, I would love to see this game succeed. If you want a cute little rogue-lite to relax for bit, its great for that but I find it hard to recommend because that novelty wears off really quick. I paid $21.64 for this game, and I think that was too much. I really wanted to like it but it has some glaring issues that I want to share. I will say, i plan to keep playing as I am curious to see if it improves. but at 13hrs i am doubtful.

- Very cute, love the character design and monsters
- works on Steam Deck (first load-up is long and some text is small but runs great)
- its fun to build and manage your store
- good art, day mechanics, rotating shops, interesting cuisine, and lots to cook, and cool furniture.
- no penalty for not making it to bed on time, and you can't fall asleep in the dungeon.
-most upgrade materials are pulled directly from your box, you don't have to carry them around with you
- your health decreasing depending how late in the day you go to the dungeons is a very cool idea.
- most customers grab their own food. you don't have to wait on them.
- the day ends when your dungeon run ends. no matter how long or short you are there for so plan accordingly.
Cons (Very long unfortunately)
- there is not much guidance. I was halfway into the second season before the brewery was explain in a mail letter. very little is explained about running the restaurant and the different cooking appliances needed.
- there is no way to know what shops are coming what day unless you memorize it.
- Combat is clunky. enemies mob you and move much faster than your weapon can swing. (flour everywhere)
- quests are mainly boring fetch quests with maybe 4 slayer quests sprinkled in.
- tons of cooking items but very few healing or run variance items in dungeons. There are health fountains occasionally but you won't ever get a healing item drop or an interesting weapon mod unless you get lucky/replace what you have.
- the weapon variety is lacking. the knife and hammer function the same, the only difference is the special. same with the fish and spatula, and kebab and sword fish.
- NPC dialogue is very repetitive and not at all special, even though some of the characters are very unique
- its difficult to raise funds because the only way to make money is through your restaurant which really only makes money during the lunch and dinner rush, if NPCs buy your expensive items. You cannot alter your menu. every recipe you have is orderable, even if you want customers to get the omelette and not the boiled egg. So you end up serving 5 boiled eggs and make like 40 coins instead of 5 omelettes for 200. there is no way to change this, and it gets really annoying late game when you really want to rack up cash but keep selling fried rice and noodles instead of chashu ramen. If you could alter the menu that would be a much better system to ensure you are making the cash needed to buy restaurant upgrades and progress the story.
- Upgrades for weapons appliances and purchasing furniture can be expensive coin wise (not material wise) which can be annoying considering how much coin is needed for everything and the only way to get it is through running your shop which takes all day and can end up barely making 2K. Weapon upgrades are the worst as they only improve the attack by one point. the abilities and elemental associated do not go up. Same with health, very difficult to raise from the starting amount.
- why pay 800 for a royal chair when there is no benefit other than it looks nice. but if you get a window that'll up the elderly visitors. I think that should be reversed or at least give the chairs and tables a bigger effect on the restaurant.
- Pom clips through the wall if you turn her bed (more of a bug)
Improvements I would love to see
- hiring restaurant staff
- altering menu
- gifting/relationship building with the town (why know their birthday if I can't give them a gift?)
- selling dishes on the side for extra cash
- buffs from eating your own meals
- healing drops in the dungeon/Better drops (I had a chest that gave me stone and wood with one cheese??)
- more weapon variance (elements are cool though) maybe more character improvements via outfits or something, not just armor. you'd think the metal boots gave more health than leather but nope.
-Better weapon upgrade system (adding slots for mods, upgrading mod vs attack, bigger atk buffs than 1 for 1K coins.
- improved character dialogue ( based on progression, reputation, character type, quests completed, season etc.)
- Menu alterations in the restaurant
- maybe a cooking mini game?
- better quest rewards (weapons, cash, reputation gained)
- onscreen quest tracker instead of it tucked in your journal.
- improved tutorial explanation (maybe increased explanations by chatting with vendors like "what did you want to ask?")
- rewards from improved reputation (such as more expensive meals, decreased prices in town, etc.)
- ability to purchase materials based on reputation and progression ( i don't want to need one stone and have to make a dungeon run thus ending the day and essentially wasting it cuz I have no fridge room and needed one stone)
Thanks for reading!