Downwell İnceleme (RojoMF)
Downwell is roguelike fun, but with gameplay that ISN'T top-down and near Touhou levels of bullet-hell? NICE! I like the gameplay of just dropping down and trying to go as far as you can. Personally, I haven't even beat the game once, though it isn't too hard to do. I'd say this game has a bit less replayability than other roguelikes unfortunately, which is a defining trait of the genre, so that may come off as sad to some. In fact, it's only got a small handful of achievements. But I don't think this game was setting out to be roguelike perfection. It feels like it was trying to be more arcade-y in its approach to its gameplay, being that you can complete a run rather quickly, and it doesn't feature near as many secrets as something like, say, Isaac. I still think there's a solid game in here though, as it is really fun and easy to get into, and its gameplay is quite fun. I love when roguelikes try something different, and Downwell is one of those alongside the likes of Risk of Rain 2 and several others.
Also, I'm not even crazy on roguelikes, but this one is great.