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3 Ekim 2024 Perşembe 18:39:34

Gloomhaven İnceleme (Brucenstein)

FYI> Most of my playtime was on the EPIC store, but it's likely 100-200h over there. If you add in the physical board game it's an incalculable number of hours.
Preface: I *LOVE* Gloomhaven; it is my favorite board game of all time (potentially pending my finally busting out a Frosthaven campaign). Yes, it's complex but it is so damn smooth and coherent. It is a brilliant game, full stop. I recommend the digital version because it's a faithful (and ultimately "faster") recreation of what is an S++++++ tier board game.
That said, if you are NOT familiar with Gloomhaven, you're going to struggle. The digital version does not do a good job introducing you to game concepts, the UI is super clunky, the optimization is the pits, and there's still not an insignificant number of crashes (thankfully only wasting a single turn). If you've never played the tabletop variant, and/or you don't have someone with deep knowledge of the game guiding you, this is probably going to be overwhelming and frustrating.
But you know what? It's still worth it. If you like a challenge, if you like surprisingly deep world building for a "board game", if you like really smart and varied play styles, if you like RPG-esque progression, if you like games that surprise you in really interesting ways, you'll like Gloomhaven. Hopefully love it.
As for difficulty, yes it is hard, and if you're playing for the first time use a character marked "easy". But as you understand the mechanics it becomes a much more calculated and manageable set of risks. It's also self-balancing in that if you lose a scenario you still keep your gold and XP. So theoretically if you keep losing any given scenario, even the first, you'll eventually get enough loot/levels to overcome it.
Gloomhaven is different - don't go in expecting a traditional RPG experience. This is a heady, massive, and complex tabletop close-quarters-combat type game. It's daunting, and may be too daunting for some, but once it clicks, my god... it's beautiful. And even for all its flaws, the digital version delivers.
P.S. If you bought the game and are frustrated with it, leave a comment or reach out to me. I am more than happy to help walk newbies through the learning process.