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25 Ocak 2024 Perşembe 11:04:11

Graven İnceleme (Fummelwilli)

Just a bad game, plain and simple.
1. Jank. A lot of it. Shots go wherever they please. Melee hits stun or don't. Enemy hits connect or not. It's more of a coin toss than something that is influenced by the player. Enemies get catapulted across the terrain on object collision, making them bounce around the player. Horrible
2. Game can't decide what it wants to be. They have a darksouls like respawn, except when they don't. But there is also checkpoints, but they only work during one game session, closing and opening the game brings you back to the hub again. And yeah there are limited ressources, but you can buy ammo form the blacksmith, but only with gold, which is not respawning. But you can kill enemies for gold drops, but you have to do it with melee, which costs you life and the only way to heal is either by health drops or by dying. But when you die you loose gold. And there are max ammo and health pots limits.
Seemingly none of the devs has ask themselves, is the gameplay loop actually fun?! Short answer - NO!
3. The game used to be somewhat straight forward in EA. You found fire, you learned about what you can do with it. Then you found electricity, found out about it, yadda, yadda, yadda. However because they seemingly ran out of ideas, they thought that it would be a thing to stretch out the time until you find those upgrades. Ironically they did not change the maps accordingly, which means if you want access to blocked off areas (the staff gets the ability to break certain structures) you have to backtrack entire maps for little to no benefit. Prior to these changes in when you get the upgrades, all of this came alongside naturally exploring the hub areas. So the EA version had a better pacing than the final product.
4. Enemy design. Some of the most uninteresting things I have ever seen. There are zombies, that hit or pounce. There are lizard thingies, that can hit or pounce. There are skelly bois, that can - you guessed it - hit or pounce. But wait there is more, there are skelly bois that can shoot and vampires that can shoot. Of course don't get me wrong, a basic system, that works can still be a lot of fun, but that is exactly the problem, it is janky af. And there are so many things, which you are not told about as a player. For example why are some enemies invincible? And it is not even special enemies, but just a bunch of random zombie. Why can't they be killed? Well, have fun kiting.
And there we come to the final nail in the coffin. An absolutely horrible, horrible boss design. I only fought the archivist, which the devs describe as totally optional (which is a rather bad excuse for bad design), but anyways the fight itself if pretty simple: a ghost entity that materializes and dematerializes , which you can only damaged while it is in its material form, destroy the 5 heads and you're done. However because of all the jank your crossbow might hit or it doesn't for no apparent reason. If you get close for your shotgun to be used, the boss causes a screen jiggle that messes up your aim causing you to not hit the head you aimed for and as the icing on the cake, periodically the boss will casts some type of aoe spell and even if you are outside of this circle, the lightning will still hit you unless there is a solid object between you and the boss.
I could go on, but I think this sums it up quite well.
Edit: Continued playing, finished the swamps and killed the tree as well as the archivist and yeah game still sucks. I did not feel joy for a single minute, level design and enemies as well as their spawn and respawn are just outright annoying, if not even insulting.