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30 Kasım 2024 Cumartesi 19:03:55

HeistGeist İnceleme (Villentretenmerth)

Disclaimer: The game's setting is close to heart for me and I know the devs in person.
HeistGeist is a slavic-themed cyberpunk card battler game where storytelling takes precedence over deckbuilding, taking you through a series of heists told from the parallel perspectives of each crew member involved. The game knows its strengths and plays to them very well. While not without problems, I really enjoyed every minute and felt captivated enough by the unfolding plot to always want to know what comes next. I'll try to offer a fair review.
The Good

The writing in this game is genuinely excellent. The main cast of characters are an amusing and likeable bunch and I've become invested in seeing them succeed. Hell, even some of the antagonists have grown on me.
The main storyline is well-paced and structured. The stakes are clear from the start, the surrounding mystery gradually unveils itself and the payoff makes the journey well worth it.
References to (but not only to) slavic culture and mythology are sprinkled all over the game, giving it a slightly witcher-esque feel.
The art is beautiful and sets the atmosphere just right.
The music wouldn't feel out of place in a mainstream cyberpunk game, and the voice acting is of surprisingly high quality.
During each heist, you progress through a series of nodes for each character taking active part in the heist, while the decisions you make for one character can affect the others. This is a very fun and immersive concept that I personally haven't encountered elsewhere in this genre, and it really elevates the story.
A fun little hacking minigame very reminiscent of Shadowrun's deckers.
The technical state is good and I had a smooth run.

The Bad

If you're a fan of Slay the Spire or its many derivatives and you're looking for another complex system to learn and master, Heistgeist will likely disappoint you. Its card pool isn't exceptionally broad, the combat system is easy to 'break' and offers next to no resistance to anyone who isn't new to turn-based strategy or deckbuilders.
The lack of challenge detracts from the story and atmosphere - otherwise its strongest suit - by removing the sense of danger from heists. There can be no risk & reward without risk.
The combat is very slow. Attack animations are unskippable while low-cost low-impact cards are abundant. I've had many turns of playing a rotation of 10+ cheap cards, tediously trudging towards the inevitable end of an already decided encounter.

The Ugly

The combat animations feel a tad clunky.
There is little to no punishment for failure. The story would have you believe the stakes are high, but the gameplay doesn't match that vibe. That said, it's a pleasant journey with little to no stress involved.
Certain QoL features like a card gallery or a fast mode wouldn't go amiss.

All things considered, everything about Heistgeist makes it come across as a labour of love and I genuinely think it's worth your time.