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20 Temmuz 2023 Perşembe 14:59:19

Homeseek İnceleme (XartaX)

There is one simple thing that kills this game for me: Connections.
1. You cannot remove connections as far as I can tell. This means you literally have to demolish entire buildings and rebuild them just to reconnect to something else.
Edit: You can actually remove connections. But it's not explained to the player and is kind of hidden away. The two below points are the main problem, though.
2. There is a limitation to how much you can connect. So for example, you can only connect 3 water providers to a storage
3. There is a limitation to what can be connected to what. So, for example, you cannot connect a storage to another storage. Want to pump water up elevation and put it in a storage? Too bad, the Archimedes Screw (which elevates the water) can only connect to water converters or providers.
Response to dev:
1. No, that's untrue. I specifically tried clicking the connections. Both left and right click. This does not remove them.
Edit: it seems like you can remove it if you click on the actual connection between the input and the information in the center of the connection panel. It's clicking the input/output itself that does nothing. There's absolutely nothing indicating the pipes are clickable (and clicking on the actual inputs is what makes sense), but at least it's possible.
2. Untrue. You can fit far more than 3 producers within the range of a storage.
3. Untrue. Especially considering number 2. Because of this system, it means you can at most have 3 producers per distribution center. So this means, if you have more than 3 producers (which you easily can, especially with the towers that passively generate water), you will need additional distribution centers or use refiners to "merge" lines from storages. Extremely messy. And due to number 2, of course it's not to my benefit. For example, a storage can at most have 3 incoming connections. This means a storage can serve 3 of the towers that passively generate water, for example. Now, if I forward this water to a distribution center, it means this is a closed loop where I can not provide any more input to said distribution center. A way to bypass this, would have been to have another storage with 3 inputs, and run the output from the first storage to this second storage, leaving an additional 2 inputs from other sources. Basically using the second storage as a merger. You cannot do this due to the restrictive nature of what can be connected to what. The Archimedes Screw was just an example, this overall design choice is massively restricting, and for no good reason at that (immersion breaking, etc.).