Inside İnceleme (Satuhaz)
Run, run, run. Oh damn, dogs! Try to run (there is no run). Escape from the dogs, keep "run walking"? More run walking. Wow, look at these half-mermaid, half the girl from "The Ring." Damn, this thing is scary. Swim, swim, try to swim faster (well, you can't). Swim more. Reach an upside-down water experiment thing? Run, swim, run, swim. Damn, look at this sperm monster homunculus thing. Wait, what? I became a part of that thing? Wait, I can control that, damn. Well, terror as a sperm monster: roll, walk, swim, roll, walk, swim. Be captured and escape somehow. Escape the facility, die while rolling off the cliff, try to figure out if you actually died or just went to sleep. Figure out that you actually died. Wait, wait, wait—oh, credits? Wait, what? I started as a child and died as a sperm monster from Monsters Inc? Well, alright, what a waste of time... In the end, this game seemed like a father’s story that always starts with, “When I was your age, I went to school...” Want to play this game? Well, try listening to your father describe how he went to school and see if you can last until the end of the story... What? Wait... You can? Well, um... I think you need to check this out.