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8 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi 04:09:36

Mordhau İnceleme (Googlom)

Its hard to review this game fairly because of the community but i will try and be as fair as possible.
Insane customisation options, you can be a winged hussar or a gallowglass or a norman all in the same game and be historically accurate.
Fighting is harsh but fair and requires you to learn you weapon unlike chiv 2 where you can pick up most weapons and murk with it
Funniest first person slasher, you have some of the ugliest soldiers with the absolute worst loadouts killing everyone and its great
Community is kind of cancer to the point where i genuinely think the developers need to step in as high level players act like jackasses to newer players and then wonder why the game is dead.
matchmaking is actually terrible as you will be playing with no life tryhards at level 1 who will wreck your shit
since getting money is tied to playing the game well said customisation takes FAR too fucking long, add challenges to get more gold or some shit idk getting kills shouldnt be the only way to get gold.
last point i would like to state is that since this community is loyal to this game to a fault its really hard to talk about the problems of this game without being called slurs or a noob. due to that a lot of the problems this game has will never be fixed due to the old heads of mordhau being this cancer.
Final thoughts:
Overall id still give this game an 8/10 its mechanics and customisation options with the amazing maps are just too good to pass up, just for the love of FUCK mute all shit talkers as they are not to be communicated with and should just be reported immediately (if reporting even works that is lmao)