MythForce İnceleme (Metzer)
I was really looking forward for this game, probably I'm probably one of the few people that got hyped from the trailer.
In summary ; Good idea, awful executed. The game feeeels waaay to lazy
Good stuff
- Graphics are nice , althought I kinda understand most people won't like it.
That's about it.
Bad Stuff.
- Combat is broken, ranged weapons are waaay to OP while melee combat it's too punishing. I get it, Melee combat is more focused in block and parry but it's kinda hard to when you're surrounded by enemies, while I can just shoot arrows from a safe distance, heck arrows deal more damage than meelee weapons anyway since it's really easy to aim to the head and crit.
- Loot system : In Dungeons you only find money, which can be use to upgrade weapons, items, trinkets. Exploring a dungeon is meaningless when you're going to find only money. There's no new weapons armors or any new stuff to be excited for,
-Equip system. Awful, you have a few options for weapons, there's no armor system or character customization option.
-Lack of content : after two runs you probaly have seen every trinket and modifiers. Also only 9 stages.
This game feels like a early access game, it may have better to launch as one. Right now the game feels too repetitive, boring and lacks content.