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28 Nisan 2023 Cuma 22:54:48

OTXO İnceleme (robracer97)

The moment to moment gameplay is very satisfying and tight feeling. Its got a lot of cool details and I think the reload animations are great. I enjoy the overall pace and spectacle of the game. It takes Hotline Miami's formula and turns it on its head so you're NOT supposed to die, but instead live out your roguelike John Wick power fantasy. This comes with a lot of sacrifices to the general HM mechanics but I think it works for the most part.
I recommend this if you're looking for a similar experience to HM, but something more casual you can play without having to sweat too hard. It's great for when I have like 30 minutes to kill between irl responsibilities.
Some gripes I have: The black, blood red and white aesthetic is uncompromising, to the game design's detriment. Things like windows, and the AOE goo NEED to be more visible. In chaotic situations it is very easy to lose track of what's happening because you, the guns, the enemies, and the goo destroying your health is all black and white.
Bullets come out of your muzzle so in said chaotic situations you can be shooting over enemies and not kill them. Bullets should come from the player's origin point when your hitbox touches an enemy.
Surviving a fight but being left on extremely low health is when the game becomes tedious. You have to basically cheese the rest of the floor by abusing corners and the slowmo to not lose upwards of an hour of progress. A small health regen back up to a max of 15-20% health over time might help the pacing be less impacted. Health drink help this bit it's RNG if you get them.