Palworld İnceleme (Latreia)
After 200h playing so far I think I can safely say that Palworld has become my next comfort game. The vast island of Palpagos was a ton of fun to explore the first time around and it still quite joy even when I already seen them all just because all of those silly creature roaming around. For the gameplay side, it's alright, but I don't really like the stingy RNG that feels it just there for lengthening the play time from rarity drop to breeding for perfect passive stat. It took me 20+ hours raiding oil rig just to get a single lightweight plasteel schematic and it's not even the legendary one, thank god the mod exist that make every single schematic buyable from merchant. The progress for getting it become less satisfying, yes, but the grind for the materials still make doing it worth it. I can say the same for breeding. It took me like countless hours and more than half of palbox full of Selyne to get the perfect one with the passive trait that I want. It's a good thing that you can change the setting to make the egg instantly hatch instead of waiting for a few hours (in suitable temp). Speaking of settings, the custom difficulty settings is your best friend. I was insist to playing on normal difficulty and not touching the difficulty sliders just for the sake of it, but it only lasted until I approaching the end game. At first it just for expanding the max base from 3 to 10, and then I need to find male Selyne so I change the time interval for the meteorite event, and then my brother want to join me playing so I increase the exp rate so he can catch up, and so on and so on. In any case, just change the difficulty the way you comfortable with, especially when you playing solo and the end game bosses and raid are likely designed to not be taken by yourself because how tanky and damage sponges they are. Just have fun and don't sweat it too much. It's a really fun game, and it's totally worth the price. It's still has some bugs here and there, but none of them are that big or game breaking (unlike most of AAA game from the last few years). The bugs are less than the one I saw on launch and my choice to wait for few month before buying are no doubt a right decision.
Anyway, here some things that I hope can be implemented on future update:
- Dynamic local weather that can affect pal. Something like rain make electric or water type attack stronger but also make fire type pal weaker. Or maybe sand storm that hinder your eyesight but also make ground type pal spawn more frequently.
- More variety for foundation and base building stuff in general. Oh, and also the building placement and tolerance need to be improved.
- Some way to assign pal for specific bed. This prick merchant that I set to machine gun turret for selling and buying ammo always sleep on large pal bed meanwhile my alpha menasting terra keep sleeping on the small fluffy pal bed, like come on dude use bed that your size.
- Expansion for base size. Yeah, the current circle size for base are quite large for early game but after quite some time when you put a lot of things into the base you quickly realize just how small it actually is, especially with still quite wonky ai pathfinding that making multiple story building a headache.
- More dynamic interaction/things that wild pal do in, well, the wild. Maybe you find them occasionally drinking water from river or lake. Maybe they can eat berries from the wild berry bush. Or just small interaction when one pal meet different kind of pal that not just random event encounter but like actual behavior when they see each other.
- For the love of god please let me build base on top of water. I always wanted to make base at the center of lake but you cannot make foundation support after certain distant away from land. Maybe it's just me that got no idea how precisely to get around the restriction, idk.
- More human settlement? I know it's supposedly to be uncharted place but it's kinda suck to see there's just 3 actual settlement in the entire game, especially we need one at sakurajima island. Also the settlement in game just a place for finding merchant, nothing more. Maybe you can also find workbench there so you can turn 999 wool that you just bought into cloth without going back to your base. Or maybe you can get small optional fetch quest for a reward, like that daily quest from slime rancher.
- More pal with non-mount partner skills. I think most of pal has mount as partner skill. Yeah, sometime they have their own weapon like grenade launcher or rocket but I wish there's more pal with special partner skills that like tanzee or bellanoir/libero. And no, not the one that just passive like increasing weight limit or increasing drop rate. Actual unique skills, like ultimate move that one specific pal can do which you can control when to use it.