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9 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba 18:36:15

RimWorld İnceleme (Booris666)

Over 1000 hrs of play time, never launched colony to space, never survived long enough for archonexus, never got to the quest to space ship, never used psycast, never became royalty, never started anomaly, never assembled my own genes, never had colony over 8 people because my pc cant handle over 8. I play on loosing is fun difficulty with Casandra storyteller, mostly I play tribal start scenario.

I bought the base game first. Immediately I was overwhelmed with amount of sliders and text boxes, values with different colors. Searching for information is a task in itself, you need to know specifically what to look for.
I fell in love with the game and with my first colony. Deleting that save felt like deleting unique story out of the existence, like it never happened. So I bought all the dlc immediately, my thought process was that I wanted to experience all that overwhelmed me at the start, amplified 10 times over with additional content.

Here we are after 1118 hours and more to go as you see. I recommend this game to everybody. RimWorld is highly customizable game. You can tweak almost everything to your preference, from disease occurrence to pawns traits, starting resource, weapons and there is dev mod in which you can spawn literally everything.
Dont worry if you have no interest to dabble in menus and play with sliders, peaceful builder difficulty dont have raids, you can take your time and get familiar with the game. if you like how pawns interact with each other, have children ( Biotech DLC ) or want to build a city of your dreams, without caring about wealth and raiders, this difficulty is perfect for that.

Same goes for those who want experience ruthless and unforgiving RimWorld, seize every advantage and search countless hours about topic after topic, this game is definitely for you. You can change difficulty at any time in your game, find the sweet spot what works for you, there is no right or wrong way to play RimWorld.

I want to address Tynan Sylvester, the creator of RimWorld and Ludeon Studios in my review. Firstly I want to thank you for making this game, it scratched so many itches that Im loosing blood. So many unique stories I have deleted, so many times I woke up in the middle of the night to the voice of AdamVsEverything explaining why barracks is better than individual rooms for millionth time. Your game made me remember my childhood days when everything seemed big and great. That feeling when you are truly amazed and thinking to yourself that this feeling wont ever go away. Im glad that it was you who made this masterpiece and not some huge money milking corporation. it tells so many things, most importantly I have hope now, in the midst of hypermarketing era and the world where money is almost the only language that people understands, You showed that great games are made with passion and with clear vision what you want to make. Thank you for being true to yourself and to your craft.

I recommend this game, if you didnt like it, and you feel like you wasted 25 bucks on something you dont like, think about Tynan Sylvester and Ludeon. At least your money is in the pockets of people who truly cares about games, and you contributed to their success.