Sapiens İnceleme (Muskar)
If you like city-builder games, this game may be for you. You're a leader of a tribe in the bronze age, and it's your job to issue and prioritize tasks to ensure both survival and happiness. You can build a majestic tribe or be nomads. And you can play with friends (although I haven't tried that yet).
The game has a lot of things to do and resources to get. But my main gripe with it, is that it does not feel like it respects me.
Say that I'm running low on wooden branches, there's no command to get more of those. You have to find the nearest tree, click its thin hitbox, click the tiny "select more" option, change the filter to "Any trees", and then scroll to a maximum radius of 50 meters, then press E or click the Select button, and then click "Gather branches". Since 50m probably only hits 3 trees, which is enough branches to keep one campfire going for a few ingame days at best (assuming no use for tools or buildings), you'll have to repeat these steps many times, and you won't know which trees actually have branches to collect so many of the attempts will be in vain.
Another example: A virus is spreading in your tribe. The game gives you the meta knowledge that virus medicine is required to treat it. And if you've found one of the plants needed and try to investigate it, it'll tell you the name of at least one of the plants that you're missing to discover something new. So, how do you find undiscovered plants? By manually moving the camera close to the ground and scanning the screen for several minutes, hoping you don't miss them. I learned that you can turn off the pretty grass that almost looks like the plants you're looking for, so that helps, but seems to go against the nature of what the game is really about. And it's entirely possible that the plant isn't even in the area that your camera is allowed to move in, which would mean you'd have wasted 10 minutes double-checking that the plant isn't there, and then you'd have to manage a nomad escort that ventures far away from your tribe so that you can start looking further with the camera. Again, the way I think about the game is that it should be about issuing tasks and prioritizing them, so I would have there be a scout role that is smart enough to return to their bed before nightfall, unlike normal sapiens today.
I enjoy the concept of the game, and many of the features. It has decent graphics and atmospheric sound design. There's a lot to love, which is why I come back to it once a year. But I still wouldn't recommend it - yet. I'm hoping that will eventually change, because I'm excited to play this with friends.