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4 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi 17:04:25

Warface İnceleme (RedGhost5)

Oh Warface, now this is a topic I do not enoy. I have been a long player to Warface, longer than the 500 hours on my account. I used to love this game just because it was free to play and I could play it with all my friends. I enjoyed the hell outta it. I thought it was such a fun game and so much better with friends. But that's about it, if you don't have friends this game is god awful. This game's community is honestly cancer where majority of it comes from like Russia or Spanish speaking countries. It has an insane amount of hackers and this new Fair fight system has helped that, but trust me it doesn't help much. This Fair Fight system can get you removed/banned for just being good. Also, this being a free to play game is actually free. But have fun buying anything new or better with the way the game is set up. First of all you have to buy all your money with Cash, and suprise getting cash in this game takes forever. Think of it like this, a good item goes for like 15,000, you make about 200, for a 10 minute game. On top of that there is this repair system for your items, which suprise, requires you to pay money to fix your items, which can be quite costly when you finally saved up for that Warlord item that costs a ton to repair. So after repairs you make like what, 70-100 cash? It's stupid. AND on top of that, to buy an item, like a gun, it costs an absurd amount, ranging around 40,000. And if you don't have that kind of money, you can "rent" the weapon for a day for like what, 2000-3000 cash? For a single day, which isn't exactly a lot and costs a ton. Also they have this way of getting items called Random Boxes, just look up a video of a Warface youtuber opening this dumb things. They blow like 100,000 Cash and not even get the good weapon outta the box. And take a guess how much some of them spent for that video unless they're sponsored. I'll tell ya right now, it's around that $100 range. I'm not even done yet, remember how I said that fairfight thing that bans cheaters. Well guess what it's awful, when it first came out it was amazing, but now it just doesn't seem to work. My friend, who in my opinion is retarded for putting like $4000 FREAKING DOLLARS into the game, has been banned from TWO different accounts. I do not know why he still plays the account after all the crap he's gone through, but the devs don't even care. He emailed them that he got banned for no reason and they just reply, "Fairfight says otherwise." He has put so much money into this game and so much time, nearly triple mine and still goes through this games crap. The reason I quit is because I got hacked and guess what, they're doing nothing about it. I don't have that kind of money to waste on a stupid game like he does, but when I lose nearly 1,000 hours of work which I repeat was all played freely, I give up on this stupid game and this stupid company. That's all I have to say and please for your well-being stay away from this awful game and even worse community.