WrestleQuest İnceleme (qdimitri)
On one hand, there are numerous deep and clever references that a wrestle-fan would appreciate. A story with characters that is crafted with care that clearly comes from a place of love for the sport. Combat that makes sense in terms of what a Wrestling role-playing game would actually look like. So, a traditional turn based pro wrestling themed RPG that understands the source material AND has Macho Man as a benevolent deity sounds like what I would have used my third genie wish to make. Sadly... it just doesn't come together. Things get repetitive pretty quick, especially with the combat system. Having heard this as feedback, the devs added a 'Skip QTE' option as well as the ability to run around the map faster. I get the idea behind QTEs during battles to help simulate the tug of war that is a real match, but it's just not fun so you can skip it altogether. Doing that breaks things a bit because some moves essentially turbo mash your way to easy fights. The toy box feel is clever since most fans grew up playing with action figures of their favorite wrestler. It's cool to go through each mission collecting all these 'figures' that you can use to battle all the heels in this world. Great in concept, but you rarely get the full stable together so you can pick who you want in your team. Instead, it is constantly switching the roster around depending on what’s happening in the story. Everything is building up to a confrontation/team-up of the two protagonists to form the mega powers, but it just takes too long for that to happen. The game would of benefited greatly from an overworld map and fast travel that arrives sooner than in the last hour of a 40+ hour play through. I struggled to finish this, only doing so based out of love for the concept of what they were going for. My wishlist for a sequel would be to fix the above items and to remove the minigames since they are more frustrating than fun. Even though I can’t recommend this for non fans of the business, I am hoping it still does well enough to make a follow-up that would fine tune the whole experience.