I see quite a few reviewers giving negative feedback based on price alone. The hilarious part is if you look at their playtime it is typically 50+ hours. This means for a game that, with all DLC, costs under $50 and you can put 50+ hours into. In any other world that would be a massive success. Anytime you get to $1 per hour spend or less with a game you are getting your money's worth. I have put 150 hours into this game, they could come out with a $10 DLC every 6 months and you would still not get close to the $1 per hour spent if you bought them all. Especially if you play with friends where this game has immense replay-ability. I'm not even going to go into how buying the DLC helps to support such a great game and hopefully help to keep more content coming.
This game is a gem. It's simple, yet extremely complex. The multiplayer can be extremely causal and goofy or you can get sweaty min-maxing a run. Every run is unique and the possibilities within each run are immense. I highly recommend the game, and if you like it I highly recommend buying all the DLC. This game is a prime example of a company that you want to pay a bit more because the product is a high quality and you want more of it. Besides, like so many of these negative reviewers that lack perspective yet still put 50+ hours into, you'll get far more than your money's worth!