I do not understand why there are people bashing this game for nonsense.
Technical issues aside this is an overall good VR game well worth the money and I dare to say that WE NEED MORE GAMES LIKE THIS ONE.
While not being perfect it does many things right and it is an enjoyable VR experience with a solid franchise bolstering narrative and mood in general.
Now let's go into details.
I played on a enthusiast system, lucky me, RTX 4090, AMD RYZEN 9 7950X3D, 64GB RAM, PCI GEN 4 SSD.
The game as of patch 1.05 supports Virtual Desktop and Open VDXR wich is a great news.
Graphics are good but not stellar and thus performance should be better but I'm no expert so I could be wrong.
In comparison Alyx runs and looks better even being a 4 years old game.
Talking about numbers, on my system Alyx runs at a solid 120 FPS with settings maxed out and VD streaming set to GODLIKE.
Images are always crisp.
On Alien RI I had to find a compromise to reach a somewhat solid 120 FPS lowering the streaming quality to ultra and using dynamic resolution set to 90%, every other in game settings maxed out, this resulted, at times, in a slightly less crispy image in more complex scenes.
Some minor poly pop occurs at times(I noticed it on walls while climbing stairs) and the same goes for the occasional low texture that doesn't load in higher res on control pannels.
This is extremely minimal and has little to no weight on the overall experience.
The game did not crash once on my system and I have not encountered any other technical issue or game breaking bug.
This is an action oriented game very distant from Alien Isolation, so if you are trying to compare the two titles...well it is like comparing apples to oranges so just don't.
Here you are often fighting and killing xenomoprh, you are hunter, not prey.
The game has been criticized for the xenos respawn rate and well it is true that in the first half of the game it appears that xenos are popping out every two to three minutes regardless of what you are doing or how you are moving and this works very much against the way the game delivers you info on what's going on.
There are many messages left in the terminals spread out over the base to read that will give you a better understanding of the story, or the occasional recorded audion disk, and the constant xeno spawning dectracts from the experience as if the game had an identity crisys.
Also if you want to carefully explore and take a look at the surroundings, or simply silently and carefully walk around the empty hallways/rooms...well encounters are so high that if you don't keep on moving to gather more resources you might end up dry and die.
So this kinda needs to be looked into because it is either an action game or an exploration game but can't be both with this time attack xeno spawn mode.
Once I finally gave up reading every single message and went with the flow of the action the frustration vanished and it felt like an enjoyable, balanced enough experience.
The second half of the game is less affected by this phenomenon because there are more scripted areas where xenos won't spawn relentlessly and give you time to enjoy carefull exploration and look into the lore, be it with audio or text messages.
There is only one main enemy in this game, the xeno and it is perfectly ok: it is an alien game following the canon and it does a terrific job at it.
Can't really complain about this aspect, you know what you are buying.
Facehuggers provide only brief distractions and are narration tools more than anything else so they can't really be considered in the equation imho.
Another criticized aspect, mostly present in the second half of the game, is the backtracking.
Well I don't see it much of an issue because you are exploring a base station wich is realistically reproduced with all areas and rooms with names on them so while going back and forth you grow accustomed and get to know your surrounding so that it is not always needed to have the map in fron of your face to navigate.
Because the base is laid out in a realistic way there are no magic teleports or shortcuts and that feels like a natural thing.
It's like criticizing backtracking in a metroidvania game, it is the nature of the experience very much like in real life you do not teleport from here to there xD
In VR this feels more natural than in other kind of games.
You might not like it but I think it is an ok and natural design choice.
There is no autosave function, you have to go to terminals to manually save and yes sometimes you die and have to repeat a chunk of game.
This might look somewhat disheartnening in the very beginning, I myself tought "what the heck", but very soon, as you progress, you feel that this is not such a bad design choice and there are many save points scattered all around.
In the end the urge to go to a safe area to save adds a bit of tension and planning to this action oriented game.
Xeno's behaviour is most of the time predictable and in line with how slow "streamed VR" controls generally are so nothing to scream about.
There is the occasional glitched xeno that gets stuck or acts wierd but it is rather uncommon and only happened a bunch of times.
The typical Xeno wall crawling scheme gives you enough time to position and aim.
I only played in normal mode but I think it would be nice for harder difficulties to increase the xeno's reaction time making it more challenging to hit rather than increasing spawn rate or health points.
It would make it more realistic and I guess that on the oculus native app where motion controller tracking is snappier would be a killer feature.
Controls play very much like any other VR game.
I feel they could use a bit more refinement but they are not bad by any means.
Two hands weapon handling needs better/stronger haptic feeling on the second hand to confirm proper grip on the impulse rifle or proper loading on the rifle.
Occasionally my weapon would remain stuck with the fire trigger pressed even when the weapon was not sheated resulting in accidental continuous fire upon extracting until I pressed again the fire trigger.
The same goes for the stimpack ocasionally remaining stuck in the animation(I don't know ho to explain it better than this) if I tried to extract a weapon too fast while still using the stim pack.
The weapon and item position on the body rotate by an X amount of degrees rather than fluidly resulting sometimes in missplaced position for guns etc.
Picking items from inside crates is tough, I'd rather drop everything on the ground and pick it up from there.
This sounds a lot worse than it actually is but yes, controls need a tiny bit of tinkering.
Zula came to this station to uncover an illegal operation and she does just that and more, the game sort of concludes its main main story and opens a big door for continuation.
Not every question is answered but saying this is an unfinished game is ignorant imho.
Star Wars episode V ending was a LOT more disappointing than this one but it is still revered by many...
Despite some minor shortcomings that may be fixed in future updates I feel this was a very satisfying VR experience and I wish there was more to play, right now.
Reviewers giving this a 4/10 are out of their minds and when the game will be fully patched up it will easily be a solid 8/8.5 while right now I'd give it a 7.5 wich is not bad by any means.
It could be a 9 or more if it had more tailormade encounters creating unique situations and better optimization.
If you are an Alien fan this is a no brainer even on patch 1.05, if you are not a fan it is a fresh VR experiennce that just needs just a lil bit more polish. I've been as honest as I could with this review and pointed out mainly what the game has been criticized over but don't be fooled, this is a very enjoyable VR experience for fans and newcomers. Go buy it, NOW.