I really love games published by Kemco, but this?
I love Alphadia's series, believeee ME!!!
I don't get why the mouse support is not added as a modern feature, but what I don't get is how unoptimized this game is.
I'm just starting from the village where there's two people who are getting pursued.
As I get out of the house, I tried moving my character, and sickening as it is, the game always lags every 4-5 steps the character model takes. Who in their right mind ported this game on PC with no optimization?
Playing a game like this on mobile with a decent dual core old smartphone would make you be able to play this smoothly, I'd say. But playing this "not-supposed-to-be-extensive-game" for a 2D game, would ruin your life playing on how bad the importation they did.
I really bought this because finally, Kemco made a SALE, but it's not worth it, because of how laggy the game is for Ryzen 5 5th Gens...
I recommend the story, but I will not recommend the application.