I wish I could tell you that this game is amazing. The overall concept behind this game and the competitive aspect is AMAZING. I love it.
The customization you can do in this game is something I have never seen nowhere else. EVERYONE can be unique in their way, you can literally customize any piece of clothings and cars you have, and there are PLENTY of clothes available.
The missions are repetitive but they're still very enjoyable. Some maps can give an advantage to an opposite team, but that's not the biggest issue.
Every gun classes has their pros and cons, and each of them can be used in different situations. Heck, even the different classes of grenades have different uses.
You can put "perks" for your character and your gun which will give you some bonuses-maluses depending on what you prefer.
Now that this has been said...
GamersFirst is a really shit company that doesn't care about either its playerbase neither their game in general. Their goal is to make as much money as possible while you're still playing their fucking game until you're out of it.
Each and every time they release a new weapon it will most certainly be incredibly unbalanced for at least 4-5 months, so that the players will be so tempted to buy the damn gun. Buying guns permanently in this game costs A LOT of money, and it's even more retardedly expensive if you want it on more than one character. Oh, and since it's a new gun you'll have to pay some more.
The matchmaking system is retarded. If you're gold, most of the time the servers will force you to go in a gold server but nobody plays in those, so they either go in silver servers and ruin silver's days OR they derank on purpose so they don't have to deal with that. That is, until they win a lot of games because they're obviously much better than actual silvers so they rank up to gold again, so they want to derank... You can easily see why it can become a major issue in the meta.
Some missions are very unfair to one of the team. Depending on the mission, sometimes the enforcers are way way in favor, and vice versa.
Oh and the anti-cheat system. It can take a while before it does something and sometimes it can ban people that weren't cheating. Meanwhile there's a retard teleporting everywhere and plowing everyone in the server.
Honestly, I think the concept is so beautiful and could be so much better. I'm waiting for another company or group of people to steal APB's main concept and actually put their love and soul into a new game that will be better than this one.
GamersFirst. Such a shitty, shitty company.