I played this around the time it released back on PS3, didn't understand much about it due to being young at the time. Now that I've played it again (days ago and now a lot older), only now have I been able to appreciate the story. There are so many themes scattered throughout, the game hops back and forth to try to help you understand them and piece them together, it's a put off for many but for me it's a creative way of writing that keeps me engaged and thinking about what each section means and their relevancy for Jodie or the other characters. This is one of the very few games that gets me in feels consistently (especially towards the end), the characters are all mostly well written and as such I become attached to them, they aren't just there as one time use purely to push the plot, but rather elaborated upon, each with their own unique dialogues, feelings, wants and appreciations, it's captivating, seeing how each character develops etc.
The main themes that stick out the most to me are identity and purpose but there are many others.
Only drawback gameplay wise are the QTE events and this is especially an issue with combat mostly due to camera angles, but this is probably a skill issue on my part.
The differences between this game and Heavy Rain back when these were PS3 exclusives are pretty wild, this game feels more polished as they grew to that consoles development more.
This story will forever stick with me and make me think, not many games do that, I've counted 3 games in my list that do
If you haven't played a story game in awhile and are not sure on what to play, this is a great introduction to the genre (another mention would be Until Dawn), it's where I'd start if I could go back all over again. My intro to the genre was The Last Of Us, then Heavy Rain and lastly here. Currently replaying Heavy rain and can't wait to get started into Detroit Become Human soon, as that'll be a new experience and story for me <3