Janky mouse movement, abysmal controller maping and configuration. Even the one unique thing to this third person shooter being the microphone system where you can command your squadmates via voice commands does not work in the pc version of the game. Despite all of that, why am I in love?
Story - I was honestly expecting some run of the mill humans vs. robots terminator shmuck but that all got flipped upside down with the certain themes that this game brings up. I won't spoil much, but the whole lore about the "hallow children" had me hooked and my eyes glued to the screen wanting more information on their heritage and purpose. The world of Binary Domain was also rich in diverse locations having you ascend up the ruins of Japan to their new dystopian upper reaches, and the game really had a nice feeling of progression the more and more you traversed. A huge A+ for me is the replayablity this game gives you. There is a loyalty system that ties you to your crew's bonds and at first I thought this was all gameplay related (which it is aswell, having the higher loyalty give your team mates more of a reason to follow your commands while having less loyalty gives them a reason to ignore it), but it turns out its also immensely story related. I'm not talking about, picking a crew member for a specific mission and just having different dialogue play out (though I cannot imagine the amount of voice lines recorded for this game, the variety is nuts), I mean depending on how well you participated in battles, and gave optimal enough commands, that could affect the character's fate or actions by the end of the game. I was completely blown away when I found this out, and blown away again on my second playthrough when I found out I could save certain characters from the choices I unknowingly made in my first playthrough. I'm not saying the story is perfect, but it definitely fulfilled what I wanted out of a game about blasting through robots. Its just dumb fun.
Gameplay - So yes, as stated at the start the game has some stiff mouse movements, if you want to play on a controller good luck and find a guide for that shit, old pc config (so you have to relaunch the game everytime you want to change settings for EVERYTHING), etc. However, as a third person shooter, its pretty solid. The main appeal to me was definitely the commanding system, where you call the shots for your team mates on how to persue different situations. Like charging down weak wittled defenses, or holding contested ground. Another cool thing about the system is that your crew mates sometimes give feedback on your shot calling like if you stayed back and let them do all of the work they would acknowledge that and call you a fucker, good stuff. I was though heavily disappointed with the mic system does not work since that was my draw in from actually playing this game.
Multiplayer - Funnily enough there was a multiplayer mode in this game that features the standard matchmaking of team deathmatch, free for all, etc. Aswell as invasion mode which tests you and your team's mettle against waves of robots in round based gameplay. Unfortunately, the no one is playing the multiplayer. Thought i'd mention it though.... because I wanna play it...... so if anyone gets the game or already has this game..... add me so we can play the multiplayer... please.
If you're in the mood to try out something different and have some cash to burn, go ahead and give this game a whirl. Even if you only stick around for one playthrough this experience will leave an impression on you.