This game is amazing. I'm glad it has a Very Positive review score, because it really does deserve its fair share of praise. People like Rahzum and those who upvoted and awarded their review crying about it not being as good as other games but not even really providing sufficient justification, I don't understand them. They might as well just tell indie devs 'don't bother, you'll never make games as good as such and such' and then where would we be?
Video games can count as art, and this falls squarely as such. It's a heartfelt message, and one conveyed through wonderful storytelling and creative mechanisms. Not only that, but it has fun, short replay value, which is very rare for video games. I usually loathe games that force multiple story playthroughs for achievements, but this one I replayed gladly, and would even replay a few more times if there were additional achievs. Each ending was unique in its own regard, and Ending 1 (This Is It) legit made me cry because of the implications behind 'Buddy's' words which were hinted through peeks at the fictional developer of the AI (I won't spoil anything here). Because those peeks never really give you a full glass pane view, it leaves it all highly up to interpretation by the player, and I've always had a deep love for being given the freedom to interpret the art I'm enjoying for myself. Again, I won't spoil anything, but the interpretation I came up with for the behind-the-scenes story (involving the fictional dev and the person they made this game for) was incredibly sad and dark, but carried definitive rays of hope for redemption and love.
You may not come to the same conclusions I did, but that's what makes stories like these so incredible. Do not give this a pass, I'm honestly disappointed I waited so long to play it myself. Worth it through and through.